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We walked into the garage and I got into his car. I tried to memorize the scent for as long as possible.

"Drop me at the stop sign before my house, I'll walk the rest of the way."

"Sounds good."

He put his hand on the side of my seat to see his way out of the garage, steering with his other hand. I always took note of how good of a driver he was. He was one of those kids that got the required hours for his permit in about two weeks, but continued to get more until he turned sixteen. He's one of the only people I know that got a 100% on his drivers test, and also won't let anyone else drive him places unless it's absolutely required.

The entrance to my neighborhood had a large sign before some houses, and it was right across the street from a farm that outstretched as far as the eye could see. He pulled to the shoulder near the farm and looked over at me.

"My windows are tinted."

"I know."

"I just thought I'd remind you."

He cupped his hand around my ear and pulled me into a quick kiss. I tried my best to remember every little detail; from the smell of his cologne, right down to the sounds of a wimpy a/c. My phone buzzed.

Mike: "If you're not home in five minutes you're grounded."

"Gotta go." I said.

"One more?"

He didn't exactly have to ask me twice. I give a long peck on his lips, and a short one on his cheek and neck before getting out of his car.

"See you later." He shouted. I waved before jogging down the street to my house.

"Mitchell, you have to pack. We're eating dinner in an hour, and then leaving right after."

"Yes, I know."

"Well, you say you know, but you haven't packed yet."

"I'm going to pack right now." I didn't even look at her through the conversation, and walked straight into my room, slamming the door. I texted Scott to come by in about a half an hour for the cd, and started blaring music while I dug through my closet for a suitcase.

I shoved three pairs of jeans, two pairs of shorts, and an assortment of t-shirts into the suitcase, along with some socks, underwear, deodorant, etc. into the suitcase, and had another 45 minutes until dinner. I sat with the cd I made Scott and waited for him while scrolling through tumblr.

DipDot: "Headed over <3"

I smiled at the text, and decided to call Kirstie until Scott got here.

"Siri, call Queen."

"Just to confirm, you'd like to call Queen Kirstie?" I tapped yes and laid on my bed.

"Hey, dee, how's it hangin'?"

"Hi, you're not busy are you?" I said.

"No, just watching TV. What's up?"

"I have two very, very big things to tell you, and only about five minutes to talk."

"Um, alright. Here, one sec." I heard shuffling around on her end, I could only assume was her going into her room so her family wouldn't hear.

"What's up? Is everything okay?" She said, concerned.

"Um, yeah. Well, kind of. I don't know."

"Hey, it's okay. Maybe, just, spit it out. Rip the band-aid. However they say it, I don't know. You know I can handle it." I sighed.

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