handmade songs

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a/n: can you tell I was watching John Mulaney while writing this? Also, thanks for 1.6k reads! The best Christmas present, tbh.

Also, I'm sorry about slow updates. I'm getting new glasses soon, but they're not coming in for another month and a half, so reading is a little difficult. My dizzy spells/dehydration have also come back full force, so focusing on anything for more than 30 seconds is, to say the least, difficult. But I'll try to update as much as possible! Love ya!


We took a quick detour to a Walgreens for a blanket to sit on, a a couple bottles of water, and some lara bars.

"Look at that boat!" I said once we stepped foot on the sand.

"What about it?"

"The guy on it is wearing purple cargo shorts." Scott nearly spit everywhere he was laughing so hard.

We laid the blanket out and sat on it, holding hands and leaning on each other. Scott put his head on my shoulder, and I rested my head on top of his while we stared out at the waves. He sat up a little bit to grab our waters. He handed me mine and took a sip of his. He rested his elbow on his knee, put his chin on his arm, and looked at me.

"What are you staring at?"

"The sights of Chicago."

"You cheesy shit, hand me a lara bar."

"Do you want carrot cake or-"

"Yes." He took his phone and earbuds out of his pocket, handing me an earbud to play some music.

"What are we listening to today, Mr. Grassi?"

"Um, press shuffle. I wanna see what comes on." He did so.

"Tori Kelly, who's surprised." I said.

"This is such a good song." Scott started swaying his head back and forth, mouthing along with the words to Eyelashes. He started snapping along with the drum, mouthing the words as though he was actually singing it.

"God, you're so stupid."

"Okay, but I'm your stupid boyfriend, soo." He said with a huge smile on his face. I put my hand in the nape of his neck and pulled him into a kiss.

"You see, if I kiss you, you don't become a Tori Kelly impersonator."

"Fuck youuu!" We laughed together. He put his head back on my shoulder and we listened to the chilling acoustics.

"What would you name your children?" Scott said, still looking at the ocean. He grabbed my hand and locked his fingers with mine.

"Zentil Sebastian Grassi." I said.


"It's gender neutral and makes you sound like a weird alien."

"That poor kids attendance sheet. They'll be the last person in line their whole life 'cause their dad decided to name them Zentil."

"Okay, well what would you name your kid?"


"That's a cute name."

"Right? 'Cause Max can be, like, the manic pixie dream girl, or the cool skater guy, or the person old men walk up to on the street and ask what gender they are."

"That's actually really cute."


"Have you ever been to a wedding?" I asked.

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