the bean

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a/n: thelenajackson kinda wrote this idea for me a while ago and I thought it'd be cute :)

also, I'm 100% dedicating this chapter to singforeverxo just for being an incredibly kind and gorgeous person!


"So, do you think you'll tell your parents about us before leaving for USC? You'll only have a week left at home to pack and whatnot." I said while practically dumping pepper on my eggs.

"Hm, I might as well. Not much harm there. What about you?"

"I kinda want to do it solely to see their faces turn an ugly shade of purple."

"Yeah." He said in a groggy morning voice while breaking into his omelette.

"But, I don't know, maybe I'll do it on the last day of being in Arlington. Like, yep, Scott's picking me up in ten minutes, my medication's in the front pocket of my bag. Also, I'm a homosexual and Scott and I have been in a secret relationship for three years."

"They can't kick you out that way."

"Good point!"

"Maybe I'll come to pick you up early and we'll both do it?"

"I feel like then they'd get super pissed at you, which I don't want."


"I'll probably just sit them down, like, the night before or something and spill all the beans."

"All the beans?"

"What happens in Chicago stays in Chicago." Scott laughed with a snort.

"What if they ask?"


"Like, they're the most Christian people I've ever met, I feel like they'll want to know how much devil is inside you." I immediately broke into laughter., speaking once I stopped.

"Euch, now that I think about it, they'll 100% ask if we've done it."

""Done it"?"

"Don't make fun of me!" I playfully kicked his leg under the table.

"oOHhh a little footsie." He joked. I stepped on his toe lightly.

"That hurt!"

"It's what you get." He frowned at me.

After eating and paying, I left Russel a note saying "Don't be afraid to keep in touch, it was nice seeing you again!" with my email and a nice tip. Scott and I left to walk around the city a little bit, but first to Starbucks, 'cause duh.

"Could I get a grande, iced, triple soy latte?"

"Yep, and for you, sir?"

"Just a black coffee."

"We are quite the opposites." I said to Scott, getting the barista to laugh, sweetly. Scott leaned down and kissed me on the cheek while I handed over my Starbucks card.

"You guys are such a cute couple, awwh."

"Thank you, uh-" I squinted my eyes to read her nametag which was smudged from all the wear.


"Thank you, Ashley!" She smiled, not having many customers try to learn her name, and handed me back my card.

"Your drinks will be down at the bar in a moment. Have a good one!"

"You too!" I dumped my spare change in the tip jar and walked over with Scott, holding his hand once my wallet was in my pocket again. My phone started buzzing in my pocket while we were leaving. Scott held my drink for me while I answered a call from my mom.

"Hey mom. Yeah, we're just outside walking around. Yes, we're being safe, I promise. I have been brushing my teeth. How's dad? Oh, gotcha. I do have a minute. That's quite the dilemma there. Um, I'm gonna go with lasagna or a homemade pizza, but lasagna takes a little less time if you're handmaking the dough. Sounds good! Thanks mom, love you too, bye."

"What was the dilemma?" Scott asked, holding my hand again once it was free.

"Oh, my dad's had a rough day at work and she didn't know what to make him for dinner."

"Why isn't she at work?"

"She runs her own business, no work on Fridays."

"Slay, Nel."

"OH! MY! GOD!" I shouted, interrupting him. I pointed to the large sign down the street.

"CAN WE GO TO THE DISNEY STORE?" I said, still pointing to the store.

"Um, yeah." I jumped in excitement and we both walked towards it as quickly as possible, holding hands the whole way there.

"Look! It's an actual Lotso bear from Toy Story 3!" I yelled to him over the commotion of kids.

"Does he smell like strawberries?" I held the faded pink bear up to my face to smell it.


"Um GETTING IT NOW!" We both grabbed one and continued looking around.

"Can we get his and hers Mickey and Minnie shirts?" I said to him holding up a shirt with "he's my Mickey" on it.

"Who's Minnie, though?" He responded, walking to me.

"Mee, duuh."

"I should've figured." We grabbed the Minnie and Mickey versions of the shirts and went to the checkout.

"We should have someone take our picture in the shirts, holding our Lotso bears, in front of the bean!" I said while in line.

"Awwwhh! Memories!"

"Okay, we have to do it now, lets go!" We waited behind every soccer mom in Chicago, then went to the Disney bathroom to change shirts.

We walked for about twenty minutes, past the river and art museum, finally coming across the large silver piece.

"Excuse me, miss, could you take our picture?" Scott said to a small blonde lady and her friend sitting on a bench.

"Of course!" She set her coffee on the bench by her friend and gladly took my phone to take the picture. Scott and I scooted together, clutching our bears by our sides. We both looked at the camera smiling until, at the very last second, Scott leaned down to kiss me on the cheek.

"AAwwwwwwhhhhh!" The girl taking the picture said.

"You need one more! Horizontal this time." She moved the phone to the side and took another picture, Scott leaning down to kiss my cheek again. I got my phone back from the girl, looked at the photos, sent them to Scott, and set one of them as my wallpaper.

"Thank you so much!" We said before we walked away.

"No problem!" She sat back down on the bench.

"They! Are! So! Cute!" We overheard her friend say.

We laughed and went to walk under the bean, stopping to take selfies occasionally, intentionally keeping out shirts out of the photo.

"Okay, so, where to next?" Scott asked.

"Hm. What's in Chicago and free?"

"Well, we could see the sights."

"Like what?"

"Wanna hang out by the lake?"

"That sounds like a plan."

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