chicago, again

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a/n: LOOK AT THIS GORGEOUS FANART FROM thelenajackson!!!!!!

"So how long are we gonna be in Chicago, mister?" I said at the luggage area, waiting for my large black suitcase to roll around the cart.

"Just a couple hours. I'm gonna rent a car so we can get around and keep our luggage safe. I promise, I've carefully planned it all." I thought of the jewel shop, and wondered what his plan was. He gave me a comforting peck on the forehead.

We loaded our large suitcases into the silver car, and he drove down the crowded streets for a good thirty minutes, away from the airport. He parked by the sidewalk, and walked around to open my door for me. I got out of the car and shot him a look. He smiled coyly and walked me down the street past a Walgreens, Starbucks, and the Art Institute. The large, silver statue came into my line of sight.

"Wait, we're going to the bean, aren't we?"

"You'll see!" I rolled my eyes and continued walking, following wherever he lead me, holding my hand. We walked up the steps to the front of the bean where our Mickey photo was taken, and he stopped. He turned to face me and grabbed both of my hands.


"Yeah?" I couldn't help but sound a little excited. whatisthiswhatisthiswhatisthis.

"I love you."

"I love you too, idiot." I, physically, couldn't stop smiling.

"Okay, okay. But I, just, I love you so, so much. I know we joke about it but I literally cannot imagine a world without you. You're everything I need. You complete me." My hands went to my cheek in anticipation.

"And, though we're exhausted from jet lag and dressed in flying clothes, I wanna do this now." My heart leaped. We'd already caught the attention of a couple strangers, but I was focused on him. I bit my lip in hopes I wouldn't start crying or jumping up and down. He cleared his throat.



"Do you know where I wanna kiss you?" My heart stopped thumping, and I was intrigued. My eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.


"You have to guess." His smile was, just, indescribable. he was having a good time.

"Uh, lips?"

"No. Well, yes, but it's a joke. Keep going."

"Okaaaay. Then, cheek?"

"No, you get one more guess."

"Okay, um, forehead?"

"Nuh-uhh." He nodded "no."

"Then WHERE?" He let go of my hands and took a small step back. He dug into his pocket and pulled out a little black box. He moved one leg behind the other and knelt to the ground. He opened the box to reveal the exact ring from the shop.

"I want to kiss you, in front of our friends and family, after we both say "I do."

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" He started laughing. I hopped up and down in excitement and looked to see a circle of strangers forming around us.

"Soo?" Scott said, resting his hand holding the box on his knee.

"I agree, I think we should do that!" I said, wiping a tear away. He stood up, grabbed the ring out of the box, and slid it onto my finger. After putting the box back into his pocket he scooped me into a verrry big hug. The group of strangers we attracted started clapping, getting us to pull away from our hug and laugh. Scott slid his fingers through my hair and pulled me into a long kiss. I pulled away to wipe away more tears, and saw his eyes get a little puffy, too. I took a deep breath enough so I could speak.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU PROPOSED TO ME WITH A FUCKING PUN!" I hit him on the chest and choked out a laugh-sob. He gave me another hug.

"I mean, would you expect anything different?" He said, laughing and smiling.

"No, no I wouldn't." I laughed out. He used his big, yet dainty, thumb to wipe another tear away from my cheek, and pulled me into another kiss.


wow ok that was a wild ride, i hope you enjoyed

I just started another story called Door, so you can check that out on my profile if you'd like!

<3 ya

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