happy, free, confused, and actually not that lonely

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Scott Hoying invited you to be in a relationship with him

"Accept!" I yelled. Scott threw his arms around my shoulders and leaned down on the bed, dragging me with him. I gave a fake, fearful yelp, and he laughed. He started tickling at my sides and made it nearly impossible to escape.

"Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!"


"HOYING!" I wiggled around in an attempt to escape, but he was persistent and strong. He laughed like a comic book villain and continued to tickle me.

"Stohhhhp! I'll kick you!"

"Oh?" He stopped tickling, but still held at my sides. I had time to catch my breath.

"Are you done?" I said.

"Nope!" Before he could start again, I broke free of his grasp, and rolled off the bed and across the floor.

"Hahah! I've foiled your plan." I said like another villain. I stood up and stuck my hands on my hips. He got up from the bed and closed the door all the way. He walked towards me, set his hands on my hips, and went in for a kiss. I pulled away after a moment.

"You're lucky you're hot." I said.


"Because I'd still be mad at you!"

He laughed and went in for another kiss. I felt his hands slide from around my waist and downwards and into my back pockets. I wrapped my arms around his neck. We both pulled away and leaned into a hug.

We swayed back and forth. He started rubbing my back and kissing at my neck. I reached up and bit at a bit of his neck. His hands started going to my sides where he usually tickles me. I pulled away and pointed a finger at him.

"Don't you dare!" I yelled.

"What are you doing to that boy?" His mom yelled from her room down the hall. We both laughed. I looked away for a moment, giving him leeway to attack my sides again.

"NOOOOO." I turned around to squeeze out of his hold, and broke free.


"Are we in, like, the gayest Marvel movie ever here?"

"Ohhhh my god." There were footsteps outside the hallway towards the stairs.

"Scott, honey, your father and I are running to the store real quick, we'll be back in a couple hours."

"'Kay, my phone's on!" He yelled back, maintaining eye contact with me. Once we heard the door close, he gave me a suggestful grin.

"We have to pack, mister!" I said, pointing a finger at him.

"I'll pack something."

"Was that a sexual innuendo?"

"I think so?" We laughed. He walked to me and lifted the bottom of my shirt a little bit while he bit his lip.

"Okay, fine."

"You don't sound too enthusiastic, we don't have to do anything." He backed off. I slid my shirt off and threw it on the floor. I walked towards him and kissed him again. I never, ever get sick of the way his lips felt on mine.

"Enthusiastic enough?" I said, sweetly. He laughed and went to take his shirt off.

"Let me?"

"Can you reach?" I gasped, as though horrified by the comment.

"I'm not that short." I said.

"Well..." He cringed.

"I'm, like, five inches shorter than you!"

"Whatever you say!" He said, jokingly, and went back to kissing me. I pulled away and lifted his shirt over his head and around his arms, with minimal help from him.

"Nice work." He put both hands on my shoulders and rubbed them.

"Shut up!" I hit him hard on the chest.

"Question." He said, putting a finger in between us in a "hold on" gesture.


"How many times did we, uh, do it in Chicago?" He said.

"Do what, Scott?" This is fun.

"Like, y'know." He made a clicking noise with his mouth and a side smirk.

"Oh! You mean have sex!" I over emphasized the words, making him blush. I backed off and started thinking about the answer.

"Well, we were there for fourteen days, uh, thirteen nights. We didn't do it at all that one weekend we went clubbing with everyone, and then the other weekend I think it waaaaaaas-"

"Four?" He said.

"I thought five."

"Yeah, five."

"So that, plus, uhmmm." I said. He turned around to grab his cell phone and check his calendar.

"Twelve? That doesn't sound right," He sat on his bed and crossed his legs. Why the hell does he want to know? Then again, now that he's mentioned it, I want to know. I sat next to him, counting with him.

"Nono, we did twice in one day a couple times. Remember?" I added.

"Ohh, yeah! Umm, we definitely did the second day." He laughed while nodding in confirmation to himself.

"Annd, oh! That one morning the relaxation channel was on, and it switched from screensaver to guided relaxation, like, during." I started chuckling, remembering being taken off guard at the sound of a lady speaking "get in a relaxed position, preferably laying down. imagine yourself free of responsibility and barriers." and feeling exposed to say the least.

"Should that one time we were waaaay drunk count?" I said.

"Umm, I don't know. I mean, we tried?"

"I barely remember it, so let's go with no."

"Okay, I'll go ahead and agree. So, that would be, eighteen, nineteen, uhh, twenty one times."

"Hm." I nodded and bit my lip, still unsure why he wanted to know. He locked his phone, set it beside him, and turned to me with a smirk.

"Wanna make it twenty two?"

"I don't know about you!" I sang, channeling Taylor. His eyebrows dropped, giving me a fed-up look. I gave him a cheesy, teethy grin. He laughed and put a hand on my neck, pulling me closer.

"I love you!" He said with a laugh. He quickly engulfed me in a kiss.

Twenty two.

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