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"C'mon, I see the way you two look at each other." She let go of the hug and held me by the shoulders.

"You don't need to lie to me honey! You two would make a cute couple."


"What? Just doing my job."


"I'm gonna go put on a movie, feel free to join me."

"What movie?"

"Whatever you'd like, dear."

"Oohh boy, um, When Harry Met Sally."

"That's my boy! Let's go."

My mom went down the hall while I grabbed my phone, we met in the living room. She already had the disc in her hand and was putting it into the player. I sent Scott a quick text.

"Nel ships us."

S: "She knows??"



"TBH I didn't even tell her we were dating. She was just like "tell me about you guys""

S: "O"


S: "IK"


S: "Byyyyyyyye"


S: ":P"

96 minutes, "I'll have what she's having," and a cup of tea later, I was asleep. The next morning, my mom made hot cocoa, scrambled eggs, and bacon. My dad came back some time last night, and was unable to make eye contact with me. The table was as quiet as ever, nobody knowing what to say. When walking towards the kitchen to clear my plate, I looked over at my dad, still seated at the table with my mother.

"Hey dad?" He huffed in response.

"I'm sorry." I stared at the carpet.

"For what?"

"For being the way that I am. If I wasn't then, like, you would love me, and you'd have a son you can be proud of. But I'm not that, and I'm sorry."

"Oh my goodness." He mumbled. He walked towards me and squeezed me in a tight, weird hug. I hugged him back.

"I'm sorry I overreacted. It was just a lot to take in, and I'll get over myself. You're the best son I could ask for, and I wouldn't want you any other way." tears.

"Why don't you go clear your plate?" He let go, pat my arm, and went back to the table. I did as so and checked my phone.

S: "You wanna come help pack? I know you're not, so you might as well help me fold clothes :P"


S: "Well, have you been?"


S: "(my parents aren't home)"


I laughed at my message, pressed send, and pocketed my phone, walking back into the living room.

"It okay if I head to Scotts? He needs help packing."

"You know, you never answered my question about you two!" My mom said with a smirk.


"Go on ahead, sweetie. Wear a condom."


My face flushed when I went to put my shoes on, wondering how my dad felt hearing this. I didn't look long enough to see and left for his house. I parked next to his mailbox and walked in the familiar, yet empty, house and walked to his room. He turned around to see me and I threw my arms around his neck into a hug.

"You alright?" He rubbed my back.

"I think so. My parents are gonna be alright with it, and also not kicking me out."

"What did I tell you?"

"Oh, hush. My dad nearly did if my mom wasn't screaming at the top of her lungs, jesus christ."

"Man. Well, we can talk all about it if you'd like. But we don't have to. What we do have to do, though, is figure out how we're fitting both of our things into a car that can hold, like, eighteen boxes."

"Lets do it." He pulled away from the hug.

"WAIT!" I said. He stopped dead in his tracks, still holding onto our hug, looking at me.

"Uh, what?" He said. I reached up and kissed up.

"I missed you." He said.

"It's been a day."

"I still missed you." I tightened my arms around him and sunk my head into his chest.

"Alright, hugging later, packing now!" He put his arms in between us, forcing the hug to an end.

"Sexy hugging?"

"Didn't get enough in Chicago, did you?" I bit my lip. He kissed my cheek as he walked past me to grab a box. I sighed and grabbed a box with him. He handed me a list of things he wanted to pack and we got to work, taking breaks every forty five minutes or so, which included scrounging for snacks and lots of kisses.

I had my head in his lap as he sat with his back on his headboard, picking his favorites out of a bag of chex mix.

"Penny for your thoughts."

"I really like the smell of italian seasoning." He handed me the penny he kept on his nightstand. I handed it back to him.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"I really like you."

"What? No way. I kinda like you too. We should hang out sometime."

"Shut up!" I, lightly, smacked his chin. He gave me an offended look.

"I love you!" He laughed it off.

"So, did you tell your parents anything?" I asked him.

"Well, kinda."


"I was flipping through photos on my phone from Chicago and, obviously, the one from the bean came up, 'cause I'm an idiot. And, like, there's a bunch, so I couldn't avoid it, and I was, like, blushing, so anything I said was just, like, not gonna convince her."

"Did she say anything about it?"

"She said that I could tell her anything when I was ready, and she would love me just the same."


"I told them all at dinner. I told them we were dating, too, I felt like it was an important detail for some reason, I don't know. They took it well, though."

"I haven't technically told my parents that we're dating."


"My mom just kinda knows."

"That's hilarious." We heard the front door open and the rest of the Hoying's walk in.

"Hi mom!" He yelled down the stairs.

"Hey sweetie, is Mitch here?"

"Hi, Connie."

"He's helping me pack."

"Whatever you say, sweetheart." We both laughed.

"Can I change my profile picture to the picture of the bean now that our parents know? I kinda don't care if the whole neighborhood knows."

"Only if I can change my profile picture, too."

"Okay!" I laughed and grabbed my phone to go to Facebook, Scott doing the same.

"Should we go for relationship status's too?"

"That sounds fun!"

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