chapter 17

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Chapter 18:

 -----Ella’s point of view----

‘Who was that?’ my head was still rested on Jack’s chest.

‘Zack, he thought that I and Hanley had actually kissed!’ Jack laughed in confusion as my heart thudded. ‘Well, erm’ Jack leaned back as i pulled my head back. ‘That may be because I kind of told him that you did’ my voice became quieter as I spoke.

‘What?’ Jack’s voice however was growing louder. ‘Why would you lie like that Ella?’ I lowered my head. ‘Because’ I began, I feared where it would end, ‘I was upset, I kind of thought maybe it had happened or something. I just wanted to hurt Hanley like she hurt me.’ I looked up at Jack; he was staring at me in silence.

‘How could you?’ he croaked. ‘I’m so sorry, please don’t leave me now, not when we’ve just got back together, I can’t lose you again!’ I started to cry at the thought of just being in his arms, so happy, then being taken away so easily.

He ran over and hugged me. ‘I’m never leaving you again Ella, it’s over now, but you need to fix things between Hanley and Zack okay?’ ‘Mhm’ I nodded.

‘You should probably stay over, it’s too late for you too walk home now’ I didn’t respond; just let Jack lead me upstairs, I clutched onto his arm. We cuddled up in bed together, he was so warm. I fell asleep almost instantly.

-----Hanley’s point of view------

I didn’t sleep well, and woke up around 9am. The sickly feeling in my stomach over this mess remained. I didn’t feel like talking much, and I knew my mum would be asking a lot of questions, so I got out the house as quickly as I could.

I stopped at the corner of my road, I had nowhere to go. I sighed. I couldn’t go to Ella’s, she thought I was seeing Jack again last night. I felt uncomfortable just thinking about going to Jack’s, and I definitely couldn’t see Zack. By the looks of it he didn’t want to know me, after not replying to any texts or calls.

I blinked the occurring tears away and pulled out my phone. Time for a change, I thought. I scrolled through the list of people in my contacts, most were family or friends I hadn’t spoken to in ages.

I came across one name, Alex. He was one of Jack’s best friends, but they hadn’t spoken in a while. He was really sweet and caring, he promised he’d hang out with me one day, maybe today’s the day.

I pressed the dial button and held the phone to my ear listening to the repeating tones. ‘Hello?’ he answered. ‘Alex, its Hanley!’ ‘Hanley?’ he sounded surprised. ‘Hey, I haven’t spoken to you for a while, how’ve you been?’ he was such a cheerful guy. ‘Not too good actually, but anyways I was ringing to see if you wanted to meet up or something?’ I bit my lip hoping he wasn’t busy.

‘Sure, sure! Just name the time and place!’ ‘is 10 minutes too soon? And just meet me at the park!’ I crossed my fingers, I needed a friend like Alex to help me out. ‘Not a problem, is Jack coming along?’ I scrunched up my face, almost squeezing tears out my eyes. ‘Uh, no, I guess I’ll explain why when I see you’ i sniffed. ‘Oh, okay’ he suddenly sounded concerned.

‘Okay, see you in 10 then?’ I tried to sound brighter. ‘Yupp, cya!’ ‘Bye’ He hung up moments before me. I sighed in relief and smiled before making my way to the park, things were looking the tiniest bit better.  

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