chapter 65

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Chapter 65:

---Jack’s point of view---

I flung the door open to the house, not caring to close it behind me. I ran upstairs, yelling Hanley’s name. I entered the bedroom, and saw her wedding dress on the floor, and her clothes thrown around the room. She’d left, and it hurt to see the tear stains and mascara on the dress that she’d loved so much. I heard another screech of tires; presumably Alex.

He ran up the stairs, and looked around, both of us in silence, thinking about where she could have gone. I looked up at him; he also had a tear down his face, like me. Fuck his feelings, I thought. Why did he matter? He’d just ruined it for me, Hanley, and Max. I kicked the wardrobe door, noticing the missing suitcase. “For fuck’s sake!” I yelled, wishing Alex was dead. I collapsed on the edge of the bed, sobbing with my head in my hands. I didn’t care about what Alex thought, I was hurt, and so was Hanley.

Alex sighed, and pulled out his phone. I jumped off the bed, and snatched the phone from his grasp, throwing it across the room. “What the hell?” He snapped, glaring at me. “That’s what I thought the moment you ruined everything.” I snarled, and he took a step back, noticing my stare. I couldn’t care less what was being said in church, or wherever the wedding guests were. All that mattered to me now was Hanley.

I had no idea where she was, and I wanted her to at least give me a sign she was okay. She seemed as upset about Alex’s appearance as me. I grabbed my keys, and left the house again, slamming the door behind me. I didn’t give any thought to the fact Alex was still inside. I just needed to find Hanley.

I began to drive, going over the speed limit slightly. I drove all over town, looking for the girl I was meant to marry. I’d left Max with my mother; he didn’t need to see this. He didn’t need to be emotionally scarred by this ordeal, because the last thing I wanted was for this to have a bad influence on my son. Max and Hanley were my main priorities, and yet Alex had gotten in the way of both those things, the stupid asshole.

---Alex’s point of view---

I stood in Jack and Hanley’s bedroom, letting my tears fall. I’d already rung Hanley about 5 or 6 times by now, and yet she still didn’t pick up. Was she okay? That question remained in my head. I felt a little bad for hurting Jack in the way I did, but I loved Hanley too much to let her go, especially losing her to Jack. Jack was a major enemy in this fight for Hanley.

It was strange to think I was once best friends with that jerk. I missed Hanley. The last time I saw her, she looked more beautiful than ever. I walked around Jack and Hanley’s house, walking into the rooms, being haunted by their pictures. Pictures of her looking happy with Jack were the last thing i wanted to see. I walked into Max’s room, and there was a picture of the three of them together, happy. Max’s face lit up with joy. That just made more tears fall. I missed them both, whether Max was his son or not. I walked back into Hanley and Jack’s room, and looked through the same drawer Jack had found her first engagement ring. Right in the bottom of the drawer, was an old picture from when Hanley was pregnant with Max. It was me and her, my arms wrapped around her waist, both of us smiling brightly. My tears dripped onto the picture, touched by both the photo and the fact she’d kept it. It hurt more that she was gone.

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