Chapter 32 - Mixed Connections (Part 2)

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Demi's POV

So it's been about a month since I visited Rick in treatment and today is the day he's coming home. I'm mixed emotions because on the one hand I'm super excited to see him and have him home but on the other I've gotta talk to him about something that's happened since he's been away.

I was sat on the couch waiting for Rick to arrive home any minute, I'd of picked him up from the airport but Max told me to stay here he didn't want me to be too emotional which come to think of it was a very good idea.

I ran a hand through my hair and unlocked my phone, clicking on twitter.

@ddlovato Big day today.. Mr @RickyFawkesss is on his way home and I can't tell you how happy I am guys!!! :) :) :)

@ddlovato And thank you to all of you that sent your prayers to Ricky! It means the absolute world! I love you all!! <3

As I sent those I scrolled through my mentions I decided to retweet and reply to a few fans, their happiness should cheer me up.


@ddlovato @demiwarriorx HAHA!! I will try!! The boy gets cranky if I take too many photos!! ;D #REMI

@ddlovato If anyone can trend #WelcomeBackRick my Lovatics can! :)

@GoldenLovatic1 @ddlovato We got this Dems!!!!! Your Lovatics have got this!! Come on guys! #WelcomeBackRick

I retweeted a few more people before there was a rustle at the door, I turned around and saw Rick making his way through the door, I got up and ran over to him wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Rick!!!! You're home!!" - I exclaimed feeling tears start to well up in my eyes, oh come on Demi!! Keep it together!!

He started tracing patterns on my back, I felt his warm breath hit my neck as he let out a long sigh.

"You changed your hair!!" - He said keeping me in a firm hug.

"Yeah I got bored!" - I said with a smile and a laugh escaping.

"Thought I've never been blue before so!" - I said as I pulled back but kept a hold of his sweatshirt, just looking into his eyes, those gorgeous blue eyes will be the death of me.

"What're you staring at?" - He asked with a small smile tugging at the side of his lips. Oh shit Demi you were staring! Nice!

"Sorry umm nothing" - I said quickly, darting my attention away feeling my face turn red.

"You were staring at me weren't you" - He said with a smile as he ran his fingers up and down my waist slightly making me twitch, dammit Rick that's my ticklish spot!

"What? Is that ticklish?" - He said again with a slight laugh in his voice as he continued to run his fingers up and down my sides, I twitched again.

"Dammit Rick!! Yes it is!!" - I said letting out a laugh as he continued to tickle my sides, fucking hell Rick! As I broke free from his grip I decided to run to the bedroom.

"Catch me if you can Rickyyyyy" - I called back as I headed up the stairs to the bedroom, Rick was catching up fast, damn him and his athleticism (is that even a word? Whatevs), as soon as I opened the door to my room I tripped over a pile of shoes and fell flat on my face.

"Smooth move dumbass" - Rick replied his voice full of laughter.

"I know I'm so smooth it's unreal" - I said getting up onto my feet and sitting on the edge of the bed, Rick was just leant against the doorframe with his arms crossed.

"I've missed you Rick" - I said looking up at him as a smile crept up his face whilst he made his way over before stopping in front of me and leaning down taking my bottom lip between his gently. When he pulled back I opened my eyes to see him smiling and a little sparkle in his eye.

"I missed you too dem dem" He replied as he sat next to me, taking my hand in his, turning to me and smiling. I can't explain to you how happy I am right now, imagine the happiest you've ever been in your life and multiply that by like 100.. That's how I feel right now. It's just so good to be back. I can't believe I have to break this news to him.

"Dem? What's up?" - Shit.. He must've noticed I was thinking about it and my mood must've just shifted.

"What nothing" - I rushed out diverting my attention from him but he squeezed my hand slightly.

"Come on.." - His voice low and resonating throughout my body making me turn my head back to him. Oh god not those eyes. Not those puppy dog like eyes!

"Okay umm I need to tell you something" - I finally got out ripping myself from his grasp and standing up.

"Okay Demi you're worrying me now what's going on?" - His voice was laced with concern. DAMMIT DEMI JUST MAN UP AND TELL HIM.

"Okay!" - I said sitting back down on the bed facing him. "Rick" - I said taking his hands in mine again.

"Yes that is my name.. And you're Demi" - He said with a smile and a laugh. "Sorry you had something to say" - Okay now or never Demi just do it!!

"I'm pregnant"

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