chapter one- the switch

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Your favorite show of all time is Supernatural. You are on the eighth season of it, almost on the ninth. You couldn't get enough of this show. You're favorite character had to be Sam. Honestly, if the show were real, you would most likely hit on Sam. You finish the last forty minute episode of the night. You sigh. It's 2:30am. I should be getting to bed.
You decide that it's best that you go to bed since you have school bright and early tomorrow morning. You put your phone on your nightstand and set the alarm for 5:45am so you have time to get ready before college. You flip your pillow over so that your head was on the cool side and you cozy up in your plush comforter. You close your eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

You hear a bump in your small apartment and it forces you to open your eyes and look around. After watching Supernatural for the past five hours, you were getting a bit paranoid that it could be a ghost or something. You shrug it off and try to go back to sleep; the show wasn't real. You close your eyes again before you hear another bump. Whatever this was, it didn't want you to go to sleep. You groan loudly and slide your blanket off of you. You weren't exactly dressed to be handling anything at the moment since you were just about to go to sleep. You pick up the metal bat next to your bed (again, you're the most paranoid person ever) and you slowly creep out of the room, looking around. You didn't see anything at first, but then you heard a glass break from your small kitchenette. Someone was here, and you knew it. Your heart started to beat faster, you had an idea of what to do but you had hoped that nothing like this would ever happen.
As you walk into the kitchen, you see a man. He looks familiar, but you couldn't quite put your finger on where you've seen him before. Suddenly, there's a bright white light and you scream.

Before you know it, you are in the middle of nowhere; literally. There's nothing around you at all. You are sitting in the middle of a field and you pull your knees up to your body. What's going on? You slowly stand up, immediately greeted by the freezing cold on your bare arms. You were only wearing a tank top and sweatpants, not to mention that you aren't wearing a bra. Let's face it, bras are uncomfortable to sleep in. You cross your arms over your breasts and start to walk around barefoot in the field. You step on something really sharp, "Ouch!" You exclaim, picking up your foot to see what had gotten in it. You examine it and find a huge splinter. Reluctantly, you try to pull the splinter out. "Dammit. It's really in there." You mumble to yourself. You can't get it out, so you stand up and try walking. You wince in pain as soon as you step on your left foot, seeing as there was a gigantic hunk of wood wedged on the bottom of your heel. You close your eyes tightly and just keep moving. If you stood there, you were never going to find help.

Around an hour later, you come across a road with a sign. Now entering Lebanon, Kansas. No. No freaking way. Isn't this where the bunker was located? In a fictional show?
Why am I here?
How did I get here?
I was just in California, how am I here?
The more and more you think about it, you get more and more flustered. You decide to stop thinking and just walk. You find a small diner about a mile from the sign and you walk inside, taking a seat at one of the booths. You look around and find a clock. It's 4:15 in the morning; great. A waitress comes over. She has dark brown hair and hazel eyes. She smiled brightly at you, "What can I get you darling?" She asked sweetly. "Just water please." You say quietly. She nods at you and walks away. "Why am I here..?" You mumble to yourself. As soon as you were lost in thought, the woman comes back over with your water, "Thanks." You mumble before taking a sip out of the straw. The diner's door opens and you hear the bell chime. You think nothing of it until you hear the voice connected to the person that walked in the door. It was a very deep voice and it sounded extremely familiar. You turn around.
No. Way.
It was Castiel. What is going on??
You slowly get up and walk over to the Angel.
"Castiel?" You slowly ask. He turns around and looks at you, his bright blue eyes scanning over you. "Do I know you?" He asks, his voice just as deep as it was in the show. You totally freeze, you want to fangirl, but that would just scare him. If this was real, you didn't want him going off to who knows where. "Uh- um.. No, you don't know me." You say quietly, your eyes falling to the ground. He looks at you, "How do you know my name?" He asks, his eyes squinting. "Um.. That's a long story." You say, chuckling a small bit. Castiel got a bit worried and looked you in the eyes, "Follow me." He says. You automatically do what he says and follow him outside. He actually came here in a car. He opens the passenger door for you and you get in. He gets in the driver's seat and you look at him. He reaches his hand up to your forehead and before you know it, you're knocked out.

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