chapter thirteen- a demon's daughter

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"What? No. No! How is this possible?!" I shout at the top of my lungs, starting to hyperventilate.

Sam runs over to me and envelops me in his big arms, "Shh, Quinn. It'll be okay." He said softly.

"No! It won't be okay!" I sob, "I'm a monster, and I had no idea! I could've hurt you or worse!"

"But you didn't, that shows that you are sincere and that you can control your powers." He says, softly stroking my head.

I start to calm down a bit and open my eyes. When I do, I look at Cas and he jumps a bit. Sam tilts my head towards him so that he could look at what Cas jumped at. He makes a worried face and then I start to panic again, "What's wrong?"

"Your eyes... They're black." Sam says, looking at me intently. I suck in a breath and hold it before squirming out of Sam's arms and darting out of the bunker as fast as I possible can. I sprint into the woods behind the bunker and I don't stop running until I can't hear Sam's voice anymore. Once I reach a good distance away, I find a large tree and begin climbing up it. I sit at the top of the tree and take in my surroundings. It was beautiful, but the only thing I can think of is how I could've hurt Sam or Cas or Dean, and I wouldn't have known why.

I can't go back to them, I could hurt them. I can't bare to live without Sam, but it's for his own good. I'll deal with it on my own, I'm not Sam's responsibility.

I wince slightly as I hear Sam calling my name. I decide that the only way to get him off of my trail is to project my voice through the trees.

"Sam, leave me alone. I could hurt you. You're never going to find me." I say, projecting my voice in the opposite direction I was in.

"Quinn, please let me help you. I know you're not evil, you've proven that to me. Please Quinn. I need you." He calls from down below, sounding like he's right below the tree I'm in. I don't move in fear that he'll find me, but of course, this was the time my body decided it would be best to sneeze. As soon as I did, I heard Sam start to climb up the tree. I sit there for a few minutes looking out on the horizon before he meets up with me, letting out a huge sigh of relief.

"Go away, Sam. It's better for you and for me if I leave. I'm just going to cause you more trouble, and I know for a fact that you don't need more of that." I say, not looking at him.

"What if I want the trouble? What if I want you, no matter the consequences?" He asks, his eyes burning holes in the back of my head.

"Why would you want that? I'm no one special." I say quietly, turning to face him. He notices that tears were streaming down my face and he moves closer to me to wipe them away, even though I knew my eyes were still black.

"You are everything to me. Don't you ever say that about yourself, you're the most special, most beautiful, most kindhearted person I know." He said, smiling softly.

"I'm not even a person. I'm half demon. Half Knight of Hell. How could you still want me after that?"

"Because, I love you." He said softly, looking into my eyes.

I start to cry again and my eyes fade back to their normal blue color. He pulls me against his body as I cry more and more. Eventually, I stop my crying for just a second to tell him that I love him too.

He helps me out of the tree and carries me with ease back to the bunker as I was still sobbing my eyes out. We enter the bunker and Sam brings me to his room for a while so I have time to calm down.

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