chapter four- a day in the bunker

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Around forty minutes later, you are done in the shower. You wanted to make sure that your foot was cleaned up and all the dirt was off of you. You wrapped a green towel around your body and walked out of the bathroom. You go into Sam's closet and find some clothes that were a bit smaller. You picked out some sweats and a white t-shirt that was way too big for you, but at least it would be comfortable. You go back over to the bed and open your bag, getting the bra out. You take off the tags and put it on. You then slipped into the sweats and threw the t-shirt on.  You put your old clothes in a pile in the bathroom and opened the door. You peeked your head out of the door, "Sam!" You called from where you were standing. It was just a few seconds before you heard him running up the stairs to see what was wrong. When he got over to you, he looked a bit worried but sighed in relief when he saw you were okay.

"Sam, where do I put my dirty clothes? And do you have a hair dryer?" You asked, your long brown hair soaking wet from the shower.

"Um, you can give the clothes to me and I'll wash them for you. I have a hair dryer under the sink in the bathroom, you're welcome to use it." He smiled, running his hand through his hair.

You smiled at Sam. You always thought he would be nice, but you never expected him to be this nice. "Thank you. And I hope you don't mind, I just borrowed a t-shirt and some sweats. Once I get money I'll get more clothes." You say

"Nonsense, I'll buy you some clothes that actually fit you. We can go tomorrow, but you need to get some rest today." He says, "I understand that you've had a very eventful day." He chuckled slightly, looking down at you

"Yeah, nothing like I've experienced before. And thank you, Sam. I can't thank you enough. I mean, you helped me past Dean when he was certain that I was gonna hurt you guys and you cleaned me up." You smiled, looking up at him.

He smiles once more and just looks at you for a minute, you looking right back at him. You look away and then start to blush, "I'll go get the other clothes." You say quietly, going off to the bathroom to fetch your dirty clothes. You hand them to Sam and he smiles once more at you before walking back down the hall and downstairs to wash your clothes.

You walk back inside the room and close the door behind you, smiling like an idiot to yourself. You go back into the bathroom and find the hairdryer.

After about twenty minutes, your hair was dry. It was naturally wavy and thick, and you were super grateful for the hair you were born with. Your hair went down to around your waist when it was down, so it took a while to dry it. You normally kept it up because it was always a hassle dealing with it, much easier to throw it up in a messy bun and call it a day.

You walk out of the room, closing the door behind you. You hear low talking as you start to walk down the stairs, so you walk slowly and quietly. Sam and Dean were talking, and it was about you. You knew it was about you because you heard your name being mentioned multiple times.

You heard them talk back and forth, hearing Sam say something along the lines of, 'She seems nice.' And then Dean would respond with a 'I just don't know yet.' You walk all the way down the stairs and cough slightly, gaining their attention. They both look at you and then you look at them, "Whatcha talking about boys?" You ask, going over to sit down next to Dean.
"Nothing. It's nothing, (Y/N)." Sam responds quickly. He seemed a bit dodgy at the moment and you didn't know why, but oh well. He's done some things in the past that you weren't so sure of, but you still felt like you could trust him. You look over at a clock and it read 1:30pm. It wasn't even late and you were so tired. You yawn and then the boys yawn.

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