chapter twelve- things were getting better

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As I awake from my deep slumber, I feel something going on in the back of my mind. I couldn't hear what was happening, but it didn't feel normal. I stretched it off, sitting up on the bed. I look over to see Sam sprawled out on the bed and I laugh quietly. He's too cute.

I pull the covers off of my body, the cold air hitting my skin. I shiver slightly but ignore it, going over to the closet. I grab a pair of joggers and a t-shirt and slide them on, laying back down next to Sam on the bed. I face him and smile a bit, playing with his hair. He stirs in his sleep and then opens one eye seeing that I was right there. "Morning." He said, his voice deep and raspy.

I smile at him, "Morning, cutie. Did you sleep well?"

"Of course, you were here with me. Why are you so giddy this morning?" He smiled, opening his other eye and sitting up on the bed.

"I'm not sure, I just feel really happy." I say, sitting up next to him. "Also, might want to get some clothes on. It's like 11:30 and Dean is gonna come up here soon to wake us up."

He kisses my cheek, getting up from the bed. "Okay, be right back."

I chuckle as he gets up, "I'm liking the view!" I call after him.

He rolled his eyes, still smiling at me, "Yeah whatever." He grabs his usual clothes from the closet and puts them on. I get up from the bed and walk downstairs, traveling into the kitchen where I see Dean. He looks exhausted. "Did you have an eventful night?" I ask, looking in the fridge for something to eat.

He laughed a bit and took a sip of the coffee he had in his hand, "You could say that."

I chuckle slightly, "Spare me the details."

He takes another sip of his coffee and looks up at me, wiggling his eyebrows, "What about you?"

"What about me?" I retort, grabbing a bowl and some cereal from a cabinet.

"Did you have an eventful night?" He asked

"You could say that." I chuckle, repeating what he had said earlier on. I get the milk out of the fridge and pour some into a bowl along with some cereal. I get a spoon and take a bite of the cereal as Sam walks into the kitchen.

"Hey babe." I say, trying not to choke on the mouthful of cereal I had in my mouth. He laughed and took the spoon from me, taking a bite of my food. "Hey, germs!" I shout, trying to get my spoon back from him

"You didn't seem to care about that last night." He retorts, holding the spoon above his head. Dean almost chocked on his coffee as Sam said this so I turned around, shooting him a glare.

"Whatever, you dork." I say, punching him in the stomach lightly. He laughs, giving me my spoon back.

"I don't want it anymore." I pout, putting the spoon and cereal in the sink. He stands behind me and warps his arms around me, picking me up.

"Hey, let me go!" I screech, flailing all over the place. He holds me tightly and then kisses my cheek, making me calm down a bit.

"Just because I'm small doesn't mean you get to pick me up." I say as he puts me back on the ground.

Just as my feet hit the ground, Castiel pops into the room, looking disheveled. His hair was all over the place and his trench coat was covered in blood.

"Cas! What happened?" I run over to him, assessing any injuries he might have.

"I am not hurt. I came here to warn you." He said, looking between Sam and I

"Warn us about what?" Sam asks, moving closer to me and putting an arm on my shoulder

"I know why you were sent here, Quinn. The Angels, they need you gone. You're extremely powerful, I'm clueless as to how you could hide from my senses." Cas said, furrowing his brows more than usual.

"What are you talking about?" I ask him, obviously bewildered about the whole situation.

"You are a Cambion, the offspring of a demon and a human." He pauses, looking at Sam, "Her mother isn't just any demon, she is a Knight of Hell. Her mother is Abaddon."


A/N; I know this chapter is short and I'm sorry, I promise the next one will be longer.

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