chapter nine- who are these people?

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"What does that mean?" You ask frantically, slowly pulling your phone out of your pocket and into your hands under the table.

The brunette looks at the blonde and then the blonde girl looks at you. This is when you get the best chance to look at her. She seems as though she's around 25, long dirty blonde hair that was pulled up into a ponytail, freckles covered her fair complexion and the most intriguing aspect of her, her bright green eyes hiding behind long black lashes. She was wearing minimal makeup, just enough so that her most amazing features popped. She wore a maroon top with a jean jacket and black leggings. You couldn't tell what kind of shoes she was wearing since her feet were under the table, but they were probably combat boots or something like that. She looks like she feels bad, but you don't know why. She smiles a bit at you and speaks up, "(Y/N), I know you probably won't believe us or trust us, but you need to come with us."

"What? No way! I don't know who you are, what makes you think I can trust you?" You say

The brunette speaks up this time, "Listen, we aren't saying that you have to trust us, but just... we need your help, and you need ours." You look over at this girl. This time, you take the chance to get a good look at the brunette. She had long brown hair and it was fully down, cascading down her shoulders. She wore no makeup from what you could tell and she had blue-ish green eyes. She had on a red and black plaid flannel and ripped light blue skinny jeans. Her olive complexion made the red in her shirt pop. You couldn't help but notice that her face looked as though it was naturally contoured, making her have literally perfect cheekbones.

"Alright, well, what am I supposed to do?" You ask, still looking at the brunette.

"Just come with us, please." She said, a pleading look in her eyes.

You sigh, "Fine. But I'm warning you, I've taken down a moose with my bare hands. Don't test me."

The brunette puts her hands up in defense, "I wasn't planning on it, karate kid." She said, laughing a small bit

You glare at her and then look at the blonde, "Get out of the booth so I can."

"Alright bossy." She jokes, scooting out of the booth.

You grab your bags and scoot out of the booth, pushing your glasses farther up on your nose. The girls smile at you and lead you outside to their car. You get in the back of the car and put your bags next to you. The brunette gets in the passenger seat and the blonde gets in the driver's. She starts up the car and backs out of the parking lot.

You and the girls drive for around twenty minutes before you start to fall asleep. Eventually, you drift off.
You were being shaken awake. You knew it was one of the girls, but your vision was blurry as soon as you woke up since 1. You didn't have your glasses on and 2. You had just woken up. Once your eyes focused, you could tell it was the brunette. "We're here." She said.

You are at a small cabin, somewhere in the middle of the woods.

You get out of the car with your things and walk up to the door, following the girls inside. You three sit at a table in the cabin to have a chat.

"Okay, so first off, I never even got your names." You say, looking at the girls.

The blonde one smiles, "I'm Dawn and that's  Salome." She says, pointing to the brunette.

You nod, "Nice to know. Now what do you need me for?" You ask

"Listen, we know you weren't here for the past few months. And by 'here' I mean like not in this dimension." Dawn states, looking at you, "We need to get you back somehow. We also know that you've been communicating with Sam and Dean and we don't know how that's completely possible, seeing as though you are in different dimensions at the moment. Do you know who sent you to their dimension in the first place?"

You shake your head, "No, we never found that out. How do you guys know all this?" You ask

"We have our resources." Salome replies, "Besides, does it even matter? We're trying to help you get back into that dimension, you should be grateful." She says, shrugging slightly

"Oh, well excuse me if I don't trust two girls I just met that know everything about me and they aren't telling me anything." You state, crossing your arms

Salome scoffs, you definitely liked Dawn more than her.

Dawn rolls her eyes at Salome, "Anyway... We are gonna try and get you back into that dimension, on one condition."

"What is it?" You ask

"You have to take us with you." She replied

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