chapter fourteen- making my own way

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I have been on this bus for five hours. I've not moved, not gone to the bathroom, not checked my phone, nothing. The sun was starting to come up so I knew I would soon feel the vibration of my phone when it rings. Sam will be worried sick about me, but I won't answer it. I know if I stay on the phone too long, he'll be able to track me and I don't want to give him that opportunity. I was on my own now, and the boys were safer because of that.

I had been looking outside the window almost the entire ride, occasionally glancing at the other passengers boarding the bus. I wanted to sleep, but I also felt as though I didn't need to sleep; it was weird. I had been in deep thought about my mother and my past and everything that's going on, when the vibration of my phone pulled me out of my mind. I looked at the screen.


I sigh and ignore the call, leaving the phone in my hands but looking out the window. I then get about forty texts in a row from Sam and Dean asking me where I am and if I'm okay. I decide to reply to one of them, just so they know I'm not in trouble.

SAM: Quinn? Where the hell are you? Answer my calls!
ME: Sam, I'm fine. Please just don't bother with me. I'm not worth it.
SAM: Of course you're worth it, Q. Please come back, we can work this out together.
ME: No. I'm not coming back. Goodbye, Sam. I love you.

With that, I turned off my phone and slid it back into my pocket. I would be in a new town in a few days that's far away from Sam and Dean.


After a few days of traveling, I finally reach my destination. I was in San Diego, California; far away from Sam and Dean. I find an abandoned building farther inland and decide to check it out. The outside was exactly as I wanted it to be. It looked very broken down from the outside, like no one had inhabited the warehouse in decades; the inside though was a different story. It would definitely need some remodeling, but it wasn't nearly as bad as the outside. I decide that this would be a good place to settle as it was hard to find and you couldn't tell anyone lived there from just looking at the building.

It took a few months to get everything up to my standards, but when I did I was extremely proud. I had taken up a job that payed a fair amount of money because I needed it to rebuild my home and get myself back on my feet. When I finally do get to a place where I feel financially comfortable, I am definitely going to quit my job. I worked at a small diner in a quiet little town about thirty minutes from my warehouse. They gave me good money because I was always very kind to the customers. On top of that, I got really great tips all the time, which helps significantly. I had to admit, it was a quaint little place that I wouldn't mind working in for a bit longer, but I'd much rather be ganking monsters than waiting tables.

*eleven months later*


I groan as I sit up out of my bed, hitting the snooze button on my alarm. I reach my arms above my head and stretch. It was almost six in the morning, so I started getting ready for work. The breakfast rush was around eight, so I had to get there before seven-thirty to prepare for all the people.

I finish getting ready and grab my bag, making my way to my car. It wasn't a very nice car, just one that got me around when I needed to go somewhere. I get in the car and put the keys in ignition, starting it up. The engine purrs to life and I take the short road that I had created to my home, although this time I'm heading away from home.

About thirty-five minutes later I reach the small diner that I work at. It took me a bit longer than it usually does because there was a bit of unexpected traffic along the back roads. Normally I was never caught up in traffic, but some cop cars caused people to stop and stare. I did look for a second, but I didn't get a good glimpse at what it was. I only saw some caution tape around a grassy area and a few cop cars gathered around it. Nonetheless, I made it on time to work and went in back, putting my apron on and placing my bag in the locker that was reserved for me.

"Hey, Carter." I say, walking over to my best friend and fellow waitress.

"Hey, Quinnie." She said, smirking at me. She knew I hated when she called me that, but I've kinda gotten used to it. She calls me that every single day to get on my nerves, but at this point I've just kinda accepted it as a nickname.

I playfully roll my eyes at her, "Ha-ha. You're so clever."

"You know you love me though." She chuckled, putting down the plate she had in her hands.

"I mean I guess." I shrug, smirking slightly.

She laughs and swats my arm lightly.

"Anyways, I'm sooo glad it's Friday. I've had a long week." I say, groaning at the thought of the week I've had. I only had Saturday's off, so I was super happy when they rolled around.

"Yeah, whatever." Carter mumbled, "I still have to work, but I do get Sunday off and you don't." She stuck her tongue out.

"Oh wow, how nice of you." I laugh, poking her tongue with my finger.

She laughs as well and wipes her tongue off on her sleeve. I frown at her.

"Hey I don't know where your hand had been." She said in defense, chuckling.

I laugh at her comment, hearing the bell to the door ring. Here's to what will be the longest day of my life.

I turn around, facing the people who had just walked in. It felt as though my lungs didn't work anymore after what I had seen.

"Sam? Dean?"

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