chapter seven- do you like me?

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Over the next six months, you and Sam have gotten really close. He trained you nearly every day and you were almost ready for an actual hunt. Dean still didn't know about the secret training sessions because he was always too busy with Castiel on cases. You are growing more fond of Sam and he was growing more fond of you, yet neither of you had confessed your feelings.

Sam's P.O.V.

I wanted to tell (Y/N) so bad that I liked her, maybe even loved her. I could never get the courage to do it, and I'm almost certain she doesn't feel the same way. I find Dean after he gets back from a case across town and tell him that I need to talk to him. He follows me up to my room where I sit down on my bed and he follows. "Dean, I don't know what to do." I tell my brother, putting my head in my hands

Dean frowns a bit, "What's wrong, Sammy?" He asks

"I'm in love with (Y/N)! That's what's wrong!" I shout, "And she'll never feel the same way!"

Dean chuckles as he hears Sam talk and Sam gets frustrated, "Why are you laughing?!" I yell

"Because you don't notice it. The way she looks at you and the way she always chooses to be around you, the way her eyes light up when she sees you. Trust me Sammy, she feels the same way." Dean says, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"You think?" I ask, looking up at my brother.

"I know." He smiled, "Now go get your girl, Sammy."

Your P.O.V.

A few hours later, you were done with cleaning up around the bunker. Sam came up from behind you and tapped your back. You got a bit startled and jumped a bit. When you see it's him, you relax and smile, "Hey Sam. Whatcha need?" You ask.

Sam rubs his hands together, seeming as though he was nervous, "(Y/N), can I talk to you?" He asks.

"Yeah of course, what's going on?" You furrow your brows.

"Follow me." Sam says simply, starting to walk up the stairs.

"You're not gonna knock me out, are ya? Last time I heard that I ended up in the bunker." You chuckled slightly and he did the same, "No, nothing like that (Y/N)."

You smile and follow him up the stairs. You walk into his room and he sits on his bed. You sit down next to him. "Sam, what's this about?" You ask

He closes his eyes and speaks really fast, "Ireallyreallylikeyou."

You literally heard nothing of what he said because it was inaudible. "What?" You ask

Sam takes a deep breath in and out and looks at you in the eyes, "Listen, (Y/N)... I like you."

You furrow your brows a bit, "I like you too, Sam. I would hang out with you if I didn't like you."

He sighed, "No, I mean.. I like like you. A lot."

Your entire face lights up with happiness, "Sam, why didn't you tell me sooner? I feel the same way."

Sam's features all lighten up as well and he grabbed your face, kissing you on the lips. You hesitate at first, but then kiss him back. This was exactly as you imagined it in your head. After a little while, Sam pulled away and smiled at you.

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