chapter ten- angels and demons

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A/N; I'm going to be using first person P.O.V. from now on because I'm getting annoyed by the 'you' things. Also I'm too lazy to go back and change it and I'm changing her name to Quinn bc I honestly hate the '(Y/N)' thing. Probably next chapter I'll post a picture of what she looks like since I kinda had the image in my head.


"What? No way. Why would you want to go there?" I ask, looking between the girls.

They look at each other and then Dawn looks back at you as Salome rubs the back of her neck, "We want to get back home." Dawn says simply.

I furrow my brows and go to speak, but Dawn interrupts me, "Promise me you won't freak out?" She asks.

"I can't promise anything." I say, carefully taking your army knife out of my pocket.

Dawn looks at Salome once more and then closes her eyes, facing me. She opened them again and they were pure black.

I stand up quicker than you had in my entire life and flipped the biggest knife out of its casing. "You're demons?" I ask.

Dawn smiles slightly, and blinks again, her eyes going back to the bright green they once were. "Yeah, I am."

"Only you? What is she?" I ask, pointing the silver knife at the other girl.

"She's an Angel." Dawn answers.

I look over at Salome and she shrugs. She didn't seem like she wanted to prove anything to me. "Okay. What do you want me for, like what do you think I can help you with?" I ask

"We think that you are the key to getting back home. Somehow, someone sent you there and then got you back here. We got trapped here a few years ago, we've been looking for a way back since then." Salome says, standing up from her chair.

"What made you guys work together? An angel and a demon? Not the most likely pair."

"Well, we were sent here at the same time to complete a mission, but we didn't finish it and we got stuck here." Dawn says, looking at me and standing up, "Dude, put the knife down. You know it won't hurt either of us." She says, chuckling slightly.

I really don't find this situation too funny considering everything. "I think I'll keep it out for now. I know it won't hurt you, but it will slow you down a bit if you do try anything."

Salome smirked and walked over to me, putting two fingers on my forehead. Before I know it, the room goes black.


I suppose it was a few hours later when I finally woke up. I didn't even think about anything except the fact that I felt as though I couldn't breathe. I sit up very quickly, slightly jerking my neck muscle in the process, taking in so much air. I could feel my cold sweat dripping down my forehead as I took short and shallow breaths. I put my hands on my forehead. If you keep breathing like that, you're gonna pass out. I listen to the voice inside my head and then start to take deeper, more calm breaths.

"She's awake, Sal." I heard a familiar voice say from behind me. I sitting down on some cold concrete floor and my head was pounding. Suddenly, memories of what happened flooded my mind. I remember finding out what those girls were and then being knocked out by the Angel. I stand up slowly and realize that I had new clothes on that I'd never seen before. "What did you do to me?" I ask groggily, almost falling over. A pair of arms catch me and I look over to see that it's Salome, looking down at me. "Thanks." I murmur, standing up once more. Once I got my footing, I walked over to a small table in the middle of what looked like an abandoned warehouse and sat next to Dawn. "Why'd you knock me out?"

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