Chapter 1: Popped

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I've been trapped in solitude for longer than I can remember. All I knew was that I was stuck in a pink prison with no escape. I can't exactly remember when I was trapped or why, but I think I accidentally opposed to the gems as a threat. And I know it was during the great war between the gems. Yes...I knew who the Crystal gems were...the big one...I can't exactly remember her name, was the one who trapped me here. And the slim pale gem, I can't remember her name either, was the one who told the big one to trap me. And the short, purple gem...I remembered her name. She was Amethyst.


I sat here alone with my thoughts, as scary as it seems, being alone with my thoughts for 5000 years, I did actually find it rather peaceful. I'd always look beyond my pink prison whenever I heard the warp pad on, and I'd always see the crystal gems...but this was different. There was a boy with them. A rather short boy might I add, who wore a red shirt with a star on the chest, jeans, and flip-flops. But what is a human child doing with the crystal gems in the temple? I looked over behind him and saw the crystal gems, the pale one, the big one, and then Amethyst. I don't know why, but I've always seen her looking in my direction, at my pink prison. Did she know me? Why does she take interest in me? Just as I continued wondering and wondering, my bubble had fell. I started spiraling out of control and I hit the floor, with my prison shattering and my gem regenerating my illusionary form.

"Steven!" A voice called out. "I told you not to touch anuthing in the temple!"

"S-sorry guys!" A boy cried out.

My form had fully developed, I had (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes and I was standing 4 feet tall. I remembered how short I was and still don't understand how I was a threat.

The fog had cleared up because of my bubble popping, and I was standing before the Crystal Gems. I looked up at the tall one and was frightened at her appearance. She stood almost 7 feet tall.

"Gah! P-please don't hurt me!" I ran behind a pillar and cowered in a ball.

"Come on dude, we're not gonna hurt you." That voice. It was...familiar...comforting even. I peered from the side of the pillar and it was Amethyst walking toward me. I felt a pit in my stomach and got scared. And something else. I wasn't sure what it was, but it was a foreign feeling.

"What's your name little babe?" She said. My eyes wide, not able to say anything. But I managed to stammer.

"M-my name? It's (Y/N)..."

"Nice to meet you dude, I'm Amethyst."

"Amethyst..." I repeated. My face heated to a slight blush. Considering my face was (S/C), you can easily see I'm flustered.

"Whoa! Your face...its...changed color. Are you alright?" She asked while stepping close.

"Uh..yeah I'm fine.. I's hot over here I guess. Gems don't get sick, so it has to be the heat."

Just then the tall gem stood before me and looked down at my small size. She put her hands together and large iron gauntlets appeared.

"G-ah!" I scurried to the back of the pillar in fear.

"Wait!" Amethyst yelled.

The tall one stopped to listen and tilted her head at amethyst, confused, surprised and irritated.

"Amethyst. There is a good reason why she was trapped and why I put her there. I'm never wrong." The tall one had a low and monotone voice. Still keeping her stance without putting her arms down.

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