Chapter 4: Lucid Dreams

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Your POV
Garnet sat on Stevens bed, with a bowl of popcorn in between her legs. Amethyst had just sat on the floor in front of the TV and Pearl next to Garnet. While Steven sat on Garnets lap. And you know who I was stuck with? The gorgeous purple gem.

"Fuck..." I whispered. Knowing I had to sit next to her, it made me tense. But not in a bad way. I walked up Stevens steps and sat down next to Amethyst. Suddenly I heard a big farting sound.

All of the gems looked at me and started laughing. I blushed in embarrassment and looked underneath me. It was a whoopie cushion.

"Bahahahaahaha! Gotcha (Y/N)!" Amethyst shouted. She had pulled a prank on me.

I looked at her with the hardest scowl I could pull off. I was angry, but it still was amusing. "I'll get you back..." I smirked.

"Oh brother, you can't get me back, I'm the prank queen!" Amethyst said.

"Oh I don't know about that Amethyst." Garnet spoke out. "She has a good one coming to you. One that I think you'll both enjoy one way or another."

"W-Wha?" Amethyst stuttered out. I looked up at Garnet and blushed. What does she mean by both enjoy?

Garnet said nothing and just smirked in return. What can she be seeing with that future vision?

I took the whoopie cushion and threw it at Amethysts face, making her flinch and squint at me. "Come on dude!" She shouted.

"Guys! The movie?" Steven said.

"He's right. Let's relax and have our little slumber party." Garnet said with a small smile.

Steven turned on the television, before popping in a disk. It was a samurai movie which wasn't exactly my taste but I got to spend the night with the gems so I felt somewhat protected.

As the movie was playing, I started getting cold and I shivered. Amethyst had a mouth full of popcorn and she got up and said "Wai rie heeyuu." (Wait right here).

She went down the steps and returned into her room, coming back with an over head hoodie.

"Here you go!" She smiled. I stared at it confusingly, why would she give me her sweater. I took it anyways and put it on. It was warm, and her scent was on it. It smelled of lavender and faint strawberry. I couldn't help myself but to nuzzle myself into the sweater because of how nice it made me feel.

"O-oh, you like it?" She asked while rubbing the back of her neck.

"It's warm...and you smell good, so yes I do." She smiled and blushed a faint purple before turning to the t.v. stand.
The movie started playing, and I was getting bored honestly. I'd stare out of the window from time to time or at the floor, or even at the t.v. but not watching. But my attention was pulled to Amethyst. I stared at her for a brief second, and honestly, I don't know why I was staring at her, but she was an amazing sight to see. She turned her head toward me and I looked straight at the t.v. I felt a lump in my chest and it felt as though there were an iron ball in my stomach. Her eyes were on me.

I could see out of my peripheral vision (side view) that she was directly staring at me. I couldn't hold myself not to blush, so it just happened. I heard a faint giggle come from her and I tightened my hand into a fist next to me.

An hour and a half passed since the movie started and the ending credits were showing. Steven had just fallen asleep and I was growing weary.

"Alright gems." Garnet started. "Let's get to bed as much as we don't need it, we need to get up in the morning. (Y/N), this is going to be your first mission with us, so be sure to always stay vigilant. Get some rest." And with that she lifted the sleeping Steven off of her lap and placed him in bed. He was snoring very loudly.

Pearl and Garnet kissed him on the forehead and Pearl tucked him in. Pearl looked at me and closed her robe. "Alright (Y/N), do you want to sleep on the couch-"

"No." Garnet interrupted. "(Y/N) can stay with Amethyst in her bed."

My face was a dark (s/c) from embarrassment, nervousness, and confusion. "Wait what do you mean with Amethyst?" I asked.

"Yeah what she said." Amethyst said.

Garnet climbed down the steps along with Pearl and said "I think it's better if you two be bed I mean..not like that I mean-" she sighed in frustration and lifted her visors to rub 2/3 eyes. "(Y/N) seems to trust you more Amethyst. So I think it's a good idea to keep her calm with you."

Amethyst widened her eyes and looked at me, then Garnet, then me again. " got it G." she walked over to the warp pad to open her door first and her gem glowed. The door split open and we walked inside. "Goodnight you two." Pearl sang. She seemed happier, but I did find it odd that she was whispering to Garnet 75% of the time.

We walked past about 4 junk piles and a beautiful waterfall. Two huge doors beside that, lead to Amethysts room. She opened the door and spread her arms out, as if showing me in an auction. "That's-"

"Your room? I know." I said. Suddenly I knew the mistake I made. I literally told her I knew that was her room.


"Huh? How did you know that's my room over there?" She asked. She stepped closer to me, and I backed up into a junk pile from defense..

"I-I..uhm.." I stammered out. I had no words. I couldn't speak proper english or construct a simple sentence.

"You know where my room were near my room when I was changing weren't you? Oh you little peeping Tom, you were watching me change weren't you?" She backed me up as far as she could, our chests touching each other and our faces just inches apart. I felt a flame inside of my chest, a bead of sweat dripping down on my forehead.

"Answer me (Y/N).." she pushed a strand of hair out of my face and her cold hand made my hair stand on end. She put both her hands on both sides of the wall where I was standing so I couldn't escape.

"I...I..." my breath shuttered at every word. Every single letter that my voice tried to grab onto, my lungs couldn't comprehend. My breath shaking, heart racing, I could feel her breath slowly cascading down my neck.

"A-Amethyst..." I breathed out.

"I thought so..." she said. Her hand rested on my cheek as she lifted my chin up, her hand cold against my feverishly hot skin. She leaned forward, she was about to...kiss me?!

I braced myself for impact and wrapped my hand around her wrist. Out lips an inch away, heat building up and lust even higher. I closed my eyes when suddenly, the kiss broke with darkness and an alarming feeling. I shot my eyes open and I was in front of the TV, laying on Amethysts shoulder. The movie looked like it had just ended and behind me was Garnet and Pearl, with Steven sleeping still. Amethyst was next to me. She looked at me with a surprised expression on her face.

"You were...having a dream...a crazy one too. Was it a nightmare about me, cause you said my name." she said while blushing.

I...fell asleep? It wasn't real?

I took a deep breath and lied back onto the floor. " was just a little nightmare..."

Sweat dripped from my forehead and my heart still racing. That was a dream...I wanted more. I needed more. But I couldn't take it tonight. I was exhausted and confused, I needed sleep. "I'm sleeping on the couch tonight." I said with short breaths.

It was just a dream.

A/N: oooooh did you like this one? I bet I got you when Amethyst and the reader almost kissed eh? Cliff hanger af. There will be more children. Don't worry.

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