Chapter 2: A Sleepless Night

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A/N: In case you dolls don't understand the abbreviations of things like (Y/N) I'll show you.

(Y/n) Your name
(S/c) skin color
(F/c) favorite color
(E/c) eye color
(H/c) hair color

Oh oh and dont forget to Read, vote and comment♡

I stood on the warp pad, nervously waiting to get beamed back to their house.

"There's no need to be scared, you'll be with all 5 of us!" Steven exclaimed with stars in his eyes.

I looked around and counted. There's only 4 gems, not including myself, so who was the 5th one?

"Err...5?" I questioned.

"Oh yeah, Lion."

"L-lion?!" I remembered how Rose had this lion that she told no one about. Except for me. He was a large pink lion who had a booming roar that could bend iron. He always had liked me luckily. I hope he remembers me, but I got too scared of concequences.

I went to escape, but Garnet held me in her arms and the warp pad activated. We started ascending upwards, floating, and I started panicking.

"Let me go!" I shouted.

"Alright." She said. Then she threw me out of the warp. I started to float in...nothing. And I screamed. But the lack of air choked my lungs. As I began to fade into the void, I felt a grasp at my waist.

I was pulled back into the beam from...Amethyst's whip?

I was in her arms and I was gasping her breath even if gems don't need air, it was still exhausting to maintain my physical body.. After that, all I could hear I were muffled voices.

"Garnet why would you do that?! That's not cool!" I heard Amethysts voice. I could feel the sound in her chest while she cradled me in her arms. I shivered because I was cold from the nothingness but also because Amethyst was so close to me.

"What? She told me to let her go." Garnet said monotone without an ounce of sympathy.

"Garnet she could've gotten hurt. And Amethyst why are you so worried about her?" Pearl said.

"She's a gem. All that could be harmed is her gem. If her physical aspects were damaged, she would retrieve back into her gem stone." Garnet adjusted her visors. "And as for Amethyst, she cares for (Y/N) more on a spiritual level, than any other gem has encountered."

Amethyst blushed and looked down toward me.

"And what about her gem? It would be floating in space right?" Steven said with consoled eyes.

"Figuratively speaking, yes. But I saw in the future she couldn't get hurt. And even if she retrieved back into her gem I would've retrieved her."

I got on my knees and breathed slowly, trying to adjust my breath.

"" I reached to hug her and she hesitated, but hugged me back. Suddenly there was a literal spark in between us. The light in both of our gems came out almost like hands and intertwined with eachother, creating a beautiful violet color.

"I-I've never seen anything like this before.." Pearls eyes were wide and Garnets mouth gaped open while Steven beckoned closer, poking at the odd light.

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