Final Chapter: To Fuse or Not to Fuse? (LEMON WARNING)

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Those words flowed through my ears like a running fountain. I honestly couldn't believe them.

I wasn't too sure as to what she was talking about. Open my legs? Eating? What does that mean?

I pulled a confused expression on my face and she giggled.

"Do you even know what that means?" She asked.

"No, I'm actually really confused about it."

"Okay uhh...well do you know what sex is?"

"Hmmm...yes I'm quite familiar with that word. I've obviously never done it though."

She nodded her head intrigued. "Have you ever....touched yourself?" She trailed her fingers up my arm, making the hair on it stand straight up.

"N-no...I don't even know what that means."

She blushed a dark purple and put her hands on both sides of my face.

"Want me to show you how?" She whispered.

I gulped nervously and shook my head.

"Well...first, you need to get comfortable. Lay down right here." She patted the center of the bed.

I hesitantly scooted over to the center and lay flat with my arms crossed.

"That doesn't look comfortable." She said.

"I don't know HOW to get comfortable." I put my hands at my sides forcibly trying to make myself less tense.

"Here." She went next to me and took my hand up to my chin forcibly making me look at her. Her eyes were shining so much against the light, they were gorgeous.

Sarafyx' POV
I sat on upright beyond confused about what had just happened. I rubbed my head from the pounding headache I had. Where am I?

I stood up on what appears to be a beach, next to me was a large house with a huge statue behind it. She had 6 arms? Was she a fusion? She looked about 30 feet tall, I was about 15 feet tall so she had to be a fusion of more than two gems.

I looked off in the distance and coming from the house were 4 figures. A short red girl, a short blue girl, a tall pale woman, and a short chubby boy. They came running to me and I looked down at them.

I saw more as they got closer. They had gems. They were gems just like me. Maybe they could help.

"Giant woman!" The short boy yelled. "Who are you? Well, actually who are you a fusion of?"

"Steven wait we don't know who this is." The tall gem said to the boy.

I just looked at the two ignoring the tall gem."I am Sarafyx. Who are you...?"

"I'm Steven! And these are...some of the crystal gems..." the short boy stuck out his hand for a handshake. He was too cute. How could I say no? I knelt down to him and stuck my hand out. Well my finger considering my hand was as big as him. He put his entire hand on my finger and I shook it up and down causing him to bounce.

"Oh gosh, my bad! I forgot how small you were."

He laughed and laughed and laughed. "That's ok! Where did you come from?"

I just shrugged, this was my first time being out here in the open. I wasn't sure who I was.

"I don't know." I simply said.

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