Chapter 6: No Control

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My breath shuddered when she said that. The full fusion experience? What was that supposed to mean? I tried pushing her arms away, but my god, she was strong.

"Ah ah ah, don't try to go so soon." She cooed in my ear.

"Sugilite...what are you planning to do?" I shivered in my place afraid of what she actually is planning.

She smiled and slammed her fists against the wall. "You know exactly what I want." Her voice growled behind her teeth, I couldn't help but to look away at her piercing gaze. I can't let her control. I just cant. I slipped underneath her arms and ran for it. I ran a good 20 feet. I could hear her running. I looked back and she was running on all fours, with the most mischievous grin she could bare. She lunged at me and tackled me onto the dusty, dirt filled ground. She pinned my arms down with two of her hands and with her others, she slowly traveled them up my shirt.

She laughed and blushed a dark purple. "I gotcha little babe, what are you gonna do about it now?"

I tried reasoning with her, trying to get her off of me. I was feeling so...WEIRD. There was an immense heat in my stomach. And my face.

"S-Sugilite! S-stop!" I begged.

"There's nothing you can do now..." she trailed her finger tips up my rib cage and I squirmed underneath her. I...I don't know what I was feeling..but it felt...good.

She let go of my leg with one hand and grabbed onto my shirt, pulling me up so our faces were inches apart.

"Say my name again. I like it when you beg me to stop." She tightened her grip on my wrists and leg and I cringed.

"SAY IT!" She screamed.

I was scared. She's honestly really capable of hurting me. I knew this. But I liked it still. I looked up at her slowly said "Let me go first...Sugilite..."

I had a plan. If I was tempting her, I could maybe distract her and make her poof back into Amethyst and Garnet. I could hit her in the head with a rock and she'll retreat. Yes...that sounds like a plan.

She paused for a minute but slowly, loosened her grasp on my wrists. I got up, so that we were both sitting up right, and I scooted over and slid onto her lap. Her mouth dropped open and slowly turned into a grin.

I took my hands and slowly reached for her visors, lowering them, and setting them aside. Her five eyes glistened at the sight of me. I raised my hands to her face, setting them on her cheeks. I needed this plan to work, whatever it takes to make it work. I held my breath for this.

I leaned in and kissed Sugilite. Her lips were a lot softer than I had imagined. My hands traveled up toward her wild mane of hair, and I tugged on it. Her eyes were wide in shock, but they eased with satisfaction. Two of her hands grabbed the small of my back and the other two made my legs wrap around her more. She tightened her embrace as if a ball python would.

Her tongue lightly skid across my bottom lip and without warning, she forcefully slid it inside of my mouth. I couldn't help but to make a noise whether I liked it or not.

She explored my mouth while our tongues slowly wrestled each other. I tightened my grip on her hair because I couldnt control myself and I needed to. She smiled at the reaction and started to trail kisses down my jaw line and down to my neck trying to find my sweet spot.

I figured that she did find it because I let out a loud and alarming gasp. She abused my neck, sucking and biting onto my sweet spot, making me writhe on her lap and my nails to practically dig into her broad shoulders.

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