Chapter 13

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It was practically his dying wish, and it wasn't able to happen

Axel wakes up at the same time as me. I decide I am hungry for some fish.

"Do you want to come with me to hunt some fish?" I ask Axel. He nods his head. Usually I would use a spear for killing fish, but I can't bring myself to use David's spear.

I see a school of fish swimming and I throw 3 knives into the water. Two hit, so one fish for me and one for Axel. I clean them off with a dagger, and carry them back to camp.

Axel is getting a fire started while I am re-filling our waters. I walk back to camp to see the fire is done. I put the fish on the fire to cook.

"I say, we kill some tributes tomorrow." Axel suggests.

"I agree," I reply.

I take the fish off the fire and eat one. I pull out a pack of crackers from my bag and eat those too. One pack of crackers left, then we have to rely on the wild. I toss the last pack to Axel who catches it. He tears it open and eats all the crackers in one bite.

We decide not to use the tent anymore, and to just use the rope to tie our sleeping bags to trees or something like that. We get as much stuff that was useful out of David's pack. Axel helps me lighten our bags. We take everything out that we don't need.

I re-arrange my belt. I put my golden axe in the main slot on the right. Then I put my regular axe and the left main slot. I have 2 throwing knives on each side. 2 on the left, 2 on the right. Lastly, I put 3 daggers in the back.

I hand the rest to Axel. He arranges his belt somewhat similar to how I did mine.

Suddenly I hear two people talking. It isn't the careers. I look at Axel and he nods in the direction of the voices with a look of confusion on his face. I take out my golden axe while he takes out his golden sword.

We inch towards the bushed to where the people are. It is the boy from 9 and the girl from 8. I count to 3 in my head and then mouth go to Axel. I smash my axe into the back of the boy's head. I look over and see that Axel stabbed his sword through the girl's neck.


8 people left. Ruby and Demetrius from 1, Xavier from 2, the girl from 3, Me, the girl from 6, Axel, and the boy from 12.


5 left. I imagine that the careers are the other 3. We won't know the truth until tonight however.


It is almost night time. Axel and I already secured ourselves in a big tree. We used some of the tent fabric over our sleeping bags so that they blend in.

The anthem starts and I see the girl from 3, the girl from 6, the girl from 8, the boy from 9, and the boy from 12.

"So it is just the Careers and us." Axel says.

I sigh before answering. "Yep."

"Do you think tomorrow will be the last day? Like do you think that only the winner will be alive by the end of tomorrow?" Axel asks. I furrow my eyebrows.

"I guess so. Axel, if at the end of the day tomorrow, it is just me and you? I will die for you ok?"

Axel shakes his head, starting to cry.

"No Ryder. I know, I am younger. I don't want to go back to the life I had before." This hit me like a brick wall.

"What do you mean Axel?" I don't understand.

"My family hates me Ryder. They were happy that I was going into the games."

"Axel. You think my own family loves me? My brother is the "golden boy" of our district. My parents couldn't give a da*n about my life! If I win Axel, God help me I will kill myself. Da*nit Axel! Why can't you see that I want you to win?"

"Ryder, please. You need to win."

"And why is that Axel?"

This time he whispers, quiet enough so the cameras can't hear.

"Because you can be the next Mockingjay. You are rebellious enough Ryder. You just have to want to."

"WELL MAYBE I DON'T WANT TO AXEL! I'm not a leader. I am not brave. I am a coward. A monster. A nothing Axel. After these games, do me a favor Axel? Forget you ever met me. I will only bring you grief."

"Are you crazy Ryder? How do you expect me to forget you? And I am NOT winning!"

"You can find a way. And yes you are, and that is FINAL!"

I roll over and close my eyes. He has to win. The last thought I have before I fall asleep is that I need to die tomorrow, so that Axel can win.

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