Chapter 14

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The last thought I have before I fall asleep is that I need to die tomorrow, so that Axel can win

When I wake up I see that Axel is already awake.

"Do you want to go hunting?" I ask him. He shrugs his shoulders and I take that as a yes. I grab my regular axe.

We walk for a little bit until I see a deer. If I get this deer, we won't have to hunt again most likely.

I throw my axe and hits the deer's eye. I race over and stab a dagger in its heart to make sure it is dead. It falls to the ground and I take both the axe and dagger out.

I skin and gut the deer while Axel gets the fire going. I put the meat on it and then we wait for a couple minutes.

"After we eat do you want to look for the careers?" Axel ask.

"Sure," I reply.

The deer finishes cooking and we each eat a leg. I drink the rest of my water, and so does Axel.

We pack up our bags and stomp out the fire. I am in the lead and Axel is behind me.

"Do you want to check out the Cornucopia first?" I ask.

He nods his head, so that is where we go. He has his golden sword out and I have my golden axe. We walk until we see her.

Ruby is sitting at the Cornucopia by herself, probably guarding the base. We come up behind her, and Axel stabs her in the heart. The cannon doesn't go off yet, so I throw my golden axe into her skull.


The cannon finally goes off. I take my axe out of her head. I use her water bottle to clean the blood off of it. I check the cornucopia to see if there is anything in it. All I find is food and water. I eat half and give the rest to Axel who eats the rest. I drink some water.

I imagine that Demetrius and Xavier are looking for Axel and I. We decide to wait inside of the Cornucopia until they come back.

It is about night time and they still haven't come back. Axel is practicing with his sword and he drops it. The sword rolls outside of the Cornucopia.

Axel goes out to get the sword. He grabs it but then I hear it drop.

I look over to Axel, but I immediately wish I didn't. He is gasping for air with an arrow through his chest. Xavier.

I run to Axel. I'm feel tears brimming in my eyes, but I don't care.

"Axel you are gonna be fine," I say, trying to give hime hope. All he does is slightly shake his head.

"I an going to die Ryder. Please, j-just win this. For me." He says, his voice getting smaller at the end.


"NO!! WHY!?!" I fall to my knees crying.

I am all alone in these games now

One thing is for sure. Demetrius and Xavier WILL pay for this.

Demetrius and Xavier

They are still near. I stand up and wipe the tears from my eyes. I look towards the way that the arrow came. There they are. Just laughing. Demetrius is congratulating Xavier. For killing a boy. I would never make someone think killing anyone is good. And that is exactly what he is doing.

Suddenly I feel sick. I can't do this. I wasn't supposed to win! Maybe this is just a dream. If I open my eyes David and Axel will still be alive!

I open my eyes, and nothing has changed. I feel angry. Angry at myself. Angry at the Careers. Angry at the Capitol. Angry at my family. Angry at everyone, except David, Axel and Danny.

Danny. I haven't seen him in so long. He is probably so scared. Not as scared as he would be if I didn't save him. I wonder how he is doing. Is he ok?

The snap of a twig brings me back from my thoughts. I look to my left, where the noise came from. I see Demetrius and Xavier. Mocking me.

"What are you going to do now you little baby? No one cares about you. Just give up." Demetrius says. This makes me furious and I take my golden axe out. I throw it without breaking my gaze at Demetrius and it lands in Xavier's skull.


"What did you call me?" I say.

This time he stutters while replying,"N-Nothing, you b-big baby!"

And that is where I lose it. All the emotions running through my head, all the emotional pain I have experienced in these games, I take into consideration. I take out 2 knives and throw them.

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