Chapter 17: The Unexpected Challenge

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After her big win, Mackenzie was more than relieved to return to her daily routine at Hogwarts. The ALDC was to compete again next weekend but she didn't feel anxious about this, given the praise that Abby had given her after her performance. It was the biggest win Kenzie had ever achieved in her dance career. She was also happy to be back on relatively good terms with Maddie.

Despite the excellent outcome of the weekend, Kenzie felt very pleased to be gathered around the warm Hufflepuff table with her fellow first-years. It was always a good feeling to have a hearty meal and great company after a strenuous, high-stress weekend of competing.

"Well," Abbie gave a sigh as she folded up a worn-out piece of parchment she had been working on and rested her head on the breakfast table. "It looks like my homework is in just as dismal a state as ever."

"You'd think they would see that the amount of homework we are given versus the number of hours per day in which to do them do not add up in our favour." Kevin's response matched Abbie's exhausted tone.

"I'm just happy to be back here with you guys! The breakfast is extremely delicious today too." Mackenzie's high spirits did not seem to match those of her friends.

"Good competition then, Kenz?" Scorpius inquired.

"Yeah! I was awarded the highest mark of the weekend for my solo!" she responded.

"Really?! That's great news Kenzie!" Abbie was just as excited about this news as Mackenzie was herself. She felt so lucky to have such supportive friends. 

 "Kenzie!" Alison was the last of the five to join them at the table. She gave Mackenzie a sideways hug as she slipped in between her and Abbie on the bench. "Have you heard? They announced it when you were gone, there's going to be a Valentine's Ball!" she was smiling big. "Guess who I am going with!"

"Who?" This news had struck Mackenzie. She knew there was going to be a ball, they happened often at Hogwarts she'd heard, but she hadn't even thought about the fact that they would be going with people. This added a layer that made her stomach somersault. 

"James!" she was beaming.


"Yeah! He asked me on my way here in the Entrance Hall!" she was bouncing up and down with excitement. Instinctively, the three girls all directed their gaze towards the Gryffindor table to locate James. He was ruffling up his messy black hair. They giggled and Kevin gave a distinctive eye roll while Scorpius looked terrified of this news.

"So people already know who they are going with then?" Mackenzie couldn't help but feel like she had missed the boat.

"Well we only just heard about it, but I think people are starting to decide, yeah," Abbie told her. "That Louis from Ravenclaw, you know the one with the treehouse, asked me so I am going with him!"

As she looked around the Great Hall, she noticed that everyone seemed to be tittering more than usual. The room was definitely a-buzz. With only a week to go before February 14th, she started to get nervous that she wouldn't have anyone to dance with. At least she would be there for the ball. It fell on a Tuesday so she wouldn't be away dancing, thank goodness.

Everyone seemed to be finding partners for the Ball as the day progressed. She discovered that Kevin had asked Janet from Gryffindor so they were going together, and Ayden from Ravenclaw was going with Darell also from Ravenclaw. Patrick from Gryffindor had asked a second-year Gryffindor named Mila to the ball. Mackenzie was feeling like she would just have to skip it. She had enough homework to work on anyways. She decided to drop off her book bag in her dormitory before going to dinner. She ran into their prefect Teddy Lupinon on the way out, who had just asked Victoire. This wasn't surprising as everyone knew the two of them were always sneaking around the castle together. She left her heavy book bag, which was nearly ripping at the seams from all the books and homework she was carrying, and then made her way towards the tunnel.

"Kenzie!" she whipped around to see Scorpius coming out of the boy's dormitory. He ran to catch up with her. "Er... Hi."

"Hi." She returned the greeting.

"Do you... Or have you? Er... Would you want to go to the Ball with me?" he had clearly been working up the courage to spit it out and looked terrified now that he had. She was so pleasantly surprised that she was speechless for a moment. This silence allowed Scorpius time to second guess himself. "I-mean-if-you've-already-got-someone-then-never-mind-I-just-didn't-want-you-to-feel-alone-we-could-go-as-best-friends-it-was-a-silly-idea-that-you'd-say-yes-forget-I-asked-you!" he stammered.

Mackenzie shook her head and a huge grin spread across her face. "Scorpius, I would absolutely love to go to the ball with you!" The relief spread across his face and he too broke out in a huge grin. She loved it when he smiled.

"Woah, Kenz, you scared me there for a second." he gave a weak laugh.

"Oh I'm sorry," she also laughed with him. "Shall we go down to dinner?" When he nodded and held out his arm to her, she grabbed theatrically hooked her arm in his and the pair marched off to dinner, feeling exponentially lighter than they had done before. 

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