Chapter 4: On the Hogwarts Express

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Kings Cross Station, London England UK 
September 1,  2015

Mackenzie, Maddie, and their mom had passed through the barrier at platform 9 3/4, just as they had done last year. Ollie was in his cage and Mackenzie's trunk was packed with all of the things on her first-year supply list. 

Mackenzie's eyes widened and her jaw dropped at the sight of the beautiful Hogwarts Express. The red steam engine towered above her and she felt her stomach do a somersault. While she had seen Maddie get onto the train, she hadn't appreciated its beauty nearly as much at the time. Now, she felt she had never seen anything more awe-inspiring. 

Students, parents, pets, and all sorts of luggage surrounded them on all sides of the platform. Families said goodbye, friends reunited and students made sure they had everything packed for the school year. The platform was bright and colourful and was ablaze with excitement. While many students found their friends and climbed aboard the train excitedly, there were others that hung back tearily or else needed a reassuring push from their parents. 

Melissa was starting to get emotional at the thought of both girls leaving for school and broke into muffled sobs while trying to smile at them all the while. While it was a little bit freighting to watch her face contort like that, this was a common theme amongst the parents of younger children so it was not out of the ordinary. 

"You'll be seeing us soon, Mom. I'll be able to send a letter to you with Ollie once I get there!" Mackenzie tried to comfort her mother. She wrapped her arms around her and hugged her as tight as she could for someone so small. Maddie then wrapped her arms around the pair to create one giant hug. When they let go it was time to get onto the train. Mackenzie felt a pang of sadness in leaving her mother once she had boarded and the doors had closed tightly. She pressed her hand to the window and then blew a kiss to Melissa, who blew one back.

Kenzie stuck with her sister for the first part of their journey. Maddie was in Slytherin house, and so were all of her friends. It was clear that they idolized Maddie (who didn't?! Ugh.) and thought that her career was the coolest thing since sliced bread. Mackenzie found it intimidating being around the Slytherin second-year students and soon left their compartment in the hope of meeting students that she could befriend.

She looked into a compartment a little ways down and noticed it was empty except for two girls. One had long red hair and freckles and the other had straight, black hair that went to her shoulders. They were both pouring over a copy of Witch Weekly.

"Yeah my mom's never had this in the house, I wonder why?!" said the red-haired girl.

"Weird. I want to make that potion that will keep my hair from needing shampoo for an entire year!" the other girl replied. "Oh wait no. It's too complicated." She laughed.

 It was as though they hadn't even noticed someone else had entered the compartment. They continued to eye the most fashionable witch's hats and beautification charms, giggling as they did so.

"Hey, is it cool if I join you?" Mackenzie asked them after a few seconds of observation.

They started but were not unfriendly. They welcomed her into their conversation and continued to gossip about who was best dressed and who should win the photo contest this week. Mackenzie was shy at first but quickly came to the realization that she could totally talk hair and makeup with these girls. After all, she had a Youtube channel devoted to tutorials she had done herself, and nothing prepares you for hair and makeup talk like competing in dance competitions. She was basically a pro. She was self-conscious of her lack of wizarding world knowledge - these girls had clearly grown up in magical families, but she decided that these girls may be a good resource for her. 

 "I'm Rosie Weasley, by the way!" The red-haired girl smiled warmly.

"And I'm Taylor Clearwater." said the black-haired girl. They told her they were in first year too.

"Anything off the trolly my dears?" An elderly witch with glasses and a large cart with sweets was positioned at the door. Mackenzie had never seen so many delicious and, quite frankly mysterious looking treats. The girls shared Chocolate Frogs, Fizzing Whisbees, Drooble's Best Blowing Gum, and even braved some Bertie Botts every flavored beans. Maddie had told her about some of these new wonders but didn't love to have sweets herself. Mackenzie on the other hand was delighted to try so many delicious candies. 

Once they had finished with the delicacies, the girls began to discuss The Sorting. They were all very nervous to be put in their houses. Mackenzie wondered to herself which of the four houses she would be placed in - Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin. 

"I'm hoping for Gryffindor!" Rosie puffed her chest out with her hands on her hips as she said it. "Both of my parents were in Gryffindor so it's in my blood." 

"Not me. Ravenclaw all the way. That's where my mother was sorted." Taylor said cooly. "What about you, Kenzie?" 

This was precisely the kind of question she had been nervous to answer and she could feel her cheeks becoming hot as she stared down at the floor of their compartment. The irony of being easily able to talk about her dancing, the ALDC, Abby Lee, the show, etc. in front of massive groups but not being able to answer this one simple question was not lost on her. 

"Er... Well..." Mackenzie took a deep breath. "My sister is in Slytherin..." She waited for the gasp of shock. "But we are completely different people!!" 

"Oooof Slytherin," Taylor said cooly. 

"What houses were your parents in, Kenzie?" Rosie offered. 

"Well that's the thing... they are both muggles. So my sister and I are the only ones in our family to receive letters. Like I said though, me and Maddie are... different." Mackenzie was saying this to the other two girls but she couldn't help feeling as if she were also trying to prove it to herself too. 

"Right on! My mom was a muggle-born and she was the best student in her year!" Rosie had a big grin across her face that put Mackenzie at ease. 

Would the Sorting Hat put her in the same house as Maddie, or would it be the first to see her as a completely different person with different skills and strengths? Mackenzie would soon find out. 

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