Chapter 18: The Valentine's Ball

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It was the morning of the Ball and the whole school was abuzz with excitement. Mackenzie had never been to an actual ball before but she had been to loads of fancy parties with the ALDC, so how different could it really be?

The girls had had another clean sweep at the competition the previous weekend and Abby had been very pleased with the group number. Everyone had a solo except for Maddie, as she was still on probation, much to her dismay. Nia placed first in the teen division while Mackenzie took first in the Junior division, with Jojo as second and Kendall as third. It was impossible for all of them to place first, seeing as they were against each other, but that didn't stop Abby from ragging on Jojo and Kendall for their lack of a win. Maddie had been in a better mood than last time though because of the Ball. She told the girls that a boy named Roberto, a fourth-year Slytherin had asked her. She explained that he wasn't the cutest but that she preferred him to Gino any day, which seemed to keep her mind off the fact that she was still in the doghouse with Abby.

So far this week, the first-years had been up to their ears in homework assignments. They spent the entire duration of Monday fitting in essays, revision, and spell practice whenever they could, as they knew that once Tuesday arrived, they wouldn't feel like cramming anymore. On top of that, Mackenzie still had all of her Friday missed lessons to make up and was extremely grateful when Scorpius offered to catch her up in the library. Overall, she hadn't gotten too far behind, no doubt due to both of their hard work. They wondered what it would be like once they were in second-year, if they got this much in first-year.

It was an hour before the Ball and the three first-year Hufflepuff girls were getting ready in their dormitory. They had used a potion on Alison's hair and it was now pin straight. Abbie wanted Blue highlights in her hair to compliment her dress, so they were experimenting with a spell for that. At first, it turned her hair completely pink, which she detested but Kenzie was able to put it right resulting in thin light blue streaks in Abbie's blonde hair.

Mackenzie had brought with her the big toolbox-like makeup case that they often lugged around to competitions. It contained every item for hair and makeup imaginable. She helped Alison and Abbie with their makeup, then set to work on her own while the girls chatted and got dressed. Kenzie chose an updo, kind of like a french twist but it had curled tendrils escaping from it on purpose. She hadn't had much time to coordinate an outfit since there wasn't much notice about the Ball but her mom had brought a couple of fancy outfits with them in case they needed them for shooting Dance Moms. She decided on a red dress, it was Valentine's Day after all, with buttons and a cute open collar. She had worn it on the red carpet at the Teen Choice Awards the past year. She combined it with small silver heels and was ready to rock. Her prior celebrity appearances had prepared her for this type of event, which she was grateful for. 

As the girls left their dormitory, Scorpius and Kevin were already in the common room. Scorpius smiled at her. He was wearing a grey suit with a red bow tie and looked very handsome, Mackenzie thought. She was also elated to discover that they were matching, without even coordinating. Mackenzie wasn't sure how she felt about this dynamic. She loved Scorpius, he was her best friend, and she didn't want that to change any time soon. She resolved to enjoy their time at the ball, they were only in first year after all. She didn't have to plan out her entire romantic life at this moment. 

The other three went ahead and let Scorpius and Mackenzie bring up the rear. He offered her his arm which she obliged. They made their way to the entrance hall where the rest of the school were waving and calling each other's names trying to match up with their dates.

"Man, everyone cleans up well!" Mackenzie was pretty astonished at how nice everyone looked. They laughed together. That was something she enjoyed so much about Scorpius was how well they got along and could just laugh together.

The two of them made their way into the great hall with the sea of well-dressed students. Professor McGonagall stood at the staff table.

"You will notice," the sudden sound of her voice made the sound in the hall abruptly die out, "that we have a change in the arrangement of furniture." It was true. In place of the four long house tables were many small round tables that could seat about six people. "Please take this opportunity to mingle with students from other houses and enjoy each other's company. Please find your seats now." She motioned for the students to move and they did so.

Mackenzie and Scorpius found themselves at a table with Abbie and Louis as well as a pair of second years from Gryffindor that they did not know. The table was decorated with red and pink bouquets of flowers and there was even a chocolate fountain in the center of every table. She wondered how many days of preparation Steepy and her fellow house elves had put into this. Just then, Mackenzie was showered in a sprinkle of confetti. She looked up and saw a small flying cupid who had already zoomed away from her and was onto his next victim. They all laughed as she was now covered in a heap of confetti. The wizarding world never ceased to amaze her.

The meal was extremely lavish, which is something to be said as all Hogwarts meals were such. There was every type of dish imaginable.

 "So there's three Hufflepuffs, a Ravenclaws, and two Gryffindors at our table. That's all right for changing it up, eh?" Abbie spoke to her table group.

"I guess I'm the minority!" Louis laughed and so did the rest of the table. 

"I think it's great that we get to eat with people from different houses at this event, it's far too segregated sometimes I feel." The Gryffindor girl offered to the conversation. 

"I agree!"  Responded the boy with a chuckle.

"At least we don't have anyone from Slytherin at our table," Louis added. Mackenzie cast a look at Scorpius who was smiling and laughing along with the group. She was glad to see he didn't take offense to this, as she knew the subject of his father's old ways was a sensitive one.

"Here Here!" Abbie chimed in.

The rest of the meal went very well. They were presented with all types of fruit and candy in which to dip in the chocolate fountain. It was delicious. Once the food and dishes disappeared from the tables, they themselves disappeared also. This was their cue that the dancing portion of the Ball was about to start. The students clear a space for the dance floor.

"Let the dancing begin!" Professor McGonagall's voice rang out. Mackenzie grabbed Scorpius' hand to lead him onto the dance floor but it was as though his feet were rooted to the ground. He wouldn't budge. She directed her gaze back at him and saw a terrified look on his face.

"What's the matter?" she asked him.

 "I can't dance." He was frozen where he stood as if someone had cast the 'petrificus totalus 'spell on him. 

 "Come on, I'll teach you!" she was smiling at him.

 "No, I really can't dance, Kenzie."

 "I betcha most people here can't dance but lucky for you, I'm one of the ones that definitely can." She gave him an adventurous smile. "Don't worry you're with me!" She pulled him in the direction of the now packed dance floor and he went with her this time.

After about ten minutes of her giving him instructions, they had a pretty good flow going and even got in a dance-off with the Gryffindors from their table, who Kenzie noticed were also quite good dancers.

The night continued with dancing, eating, and laughter. They refused to leave until it was absolutely mandatory. At around one o'clock in the morning, McGonagall's voice boomed over all of the other noise.

"Dear students, while this has been a spectacular party it is now time for you to make your way to bed as you will not be excused from classes tomorrow morning. Thank you for your lovely dancing, and Happy Valentine's Day. Goodnight."   

It had been such a fun night, Mackenzie had hardly noticed how late it was and how tired she felt. Scorpius walked her all the way to the girls' dormitory, then bid her goodnight with a tight hug and an awkward smile.

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