Chapter 6: Melissa's Letter

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The following day, and their first day of lessons, went by in a whirlwind of quills, spell books, homework assignments, and above all, tons of new information. Mackenzie felt that her brain was like a sponge and could only hold so much before it could retain no more. 

Her favourite class, by far, had been charms. They were being taught by Professor Flitwick who, as rumour had it, had been teaching at the school for almost a century. In any case, he taught them the levitation charm on the first day. They were combined with the Gryffindors and while Kenzie wanted to stay within her small Hufflepuff group, she also wanted to get to know students from other houses as well. The girl she had met on the train, Rosie, had been sorted into Gryffindor house (where both of her parents had been, she had told them excitedly). Kenzie was happy to see her in class and went over to talk to her. She was also introduced to Megan and Patrick Fosbrook, Abbie's friends, a girl named Kira Ambleton, another girl named Janet Sellinger, and a boy named James Potter. Everyone kept whispering after his name came up in attendance but she couldn't for the life of her figure out why.

By the end of the class, Kenzie had earned 10 points for Hufflepuff, being the first and one of only three people able to make their feathers levitate in the first class. Rosie and Megan tied close for a second. She felt so accomplished. She could only remember one other time when she had been number one and even in that instance, Maddie managed to take the spotlight off of her. She liked Hogwarts already for this very reason.

Defense Against the Dark Arts was another class Kenzie thoroughly enjoyed. They were combined with the Ravenclaws this time which meant a new batch of people to meet. Kenzie sat with Scorpius, with Abbie and Alison across the aisle to their left. Kevin seemed to prefer to sit close to the front to pay very close attention. He also wore glasses so it seemed that a magnified view was an asset.

There were two girls sitting behind Mackenzie and Scorpius. One was named Simone Harvey and the other Ayden Murray. Kenzie was honestly slightly intimated by these girls. They were deeply immersed in a conversation involving when they were going to use a needle to pierce their noses, the "muggle way'. She turned around and looked for more people to meet. There was another Ravenclaw girl talking to Abbie and Alison. She introduced herself as Sarah Werner. She had a contagious laugh that resonated through the classroom, causing Kenzie and the other girls to giggle as well. Sarah went to take her seat, also near the front.

It was just before the bell when three more boys jaunted in. They looked flustered. They had clearly run here and had most likely gotten lost along the way. As they passed the cluster of Hufflepuffs they introduced themselves quickly.

"Hi, I'm Louis Biscuit." A sharp-looking boy had a briefcase in one hand and extended the other to shake all of theirs. They introduced themselves in turn. Abbie laughed as though he was making a joke although he didn't realize it. "Pleased to make your acquaintance. This is my friend Darrell Chambles." A shorter boy, who was not as sharply dressed as the first waved at them then slumped to his seat, followed by Louis who had finished shaking hands with everyone and opened his briefcase to retrieve a fresh piece of parchment and quill. The third and last boy to come in was wearing thick square-shaped glasses and had wavy bleach blonde hair that hung into his eyes. He was also carrying a cute fluffy dog with him, which he told everyone was named Nibbles. "Oh yeah, and I'm Camille." It was as though he felt his dog's identity was more important than his own. He laughed. So did everyone else. "Camille Oattez. Call me Cam though." He then attempted to tell his fellow Ravenclaw, Louis, about the creative processes muggles use to make their theatre stunts come to life. Louis was clearly having none of this. He looked like he wanted to focus.

Professor O'Kelly came into the class and began her lesson. It was honestly a very boring first class, as all they did was take notes. This was a task that Louis seemed quite up for, although when Cam's dog decided to go for a run, he seemed less than pleased. Kenzie chuckled to herself.

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