Chapter 20: Mackenzie vs. Maddie

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Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Seventh Floor Corridor
April 5, 2016

Despite Scorpius' help, Mackenzie was still thinking about all of the homework she was behind on and how much catching up she would have to do as she made her way up to the seventh floor to the Room of Requirement. She was especially worried about Transfiguration. With all of the extra rehearsals and practices to prepare for Nationals, she hadn't had as much time to practice magic. She was irked by the fact that she was unable to get Ollie to change into a thimble for Transfiguration, although by some chance she had managed a large metal bell once. Her homework for Defence Against the Dark Arts was also in an abysmal state, in her opinion anyway. She had begged Professor O'Kelly to give her an extension until Nationals were complete which she had obliged thankfully. They were leaving today and going to practice at the studio for a couple of days and then compete on Saturday and Sunday.

It was the distraction of her increasingly strained schedule that caused Mackenzie to be less cautious when opening the Room. She didn't check the staircases at the end of the corridor for stragglers before walking past Barnabus the Barmy three times and wishing the dance studio to appear. She walked towards the door, which had freshly appeared in the stone wall and flung the door open without a glance.

"Where are you going?" Mackenzie recognized the voice only too well and froze on the spot. Maddie cleared the distance between her and Mackenzie and peered through the door. "Is this a dance studio?" Her voice was cold upon realizing what Mackenzie was up to. Mackenzie's heart gave a terrifying leap. How had she been so stupid not to have checked?

"Yes." She replied, staring at the floor. Maddie entered the room quickly before Kenzie could block her path.

For a minute Maddie gazed around the room, transfixed. After all, it was a beautiful studio. Then, suddenly, she rounded on Mackenzie who was still frozen in the doorway with a baffled look on her face. "How long have you known about this? This is how you've been able to practice so much, isn't it?" Mackenzie nodded, not looking at her sister. She felt Maddie's rage building, she knew her too well. "How dare you. You didn't tell me! All the times I could have practiced!" The anger in Maddie's voice increased. "You should be ashamed of yourself. Wait until I tell Miss Abby and mom! You're so selfish Kenzie, oh my god!"

"Me? Selfish?!" She felt the fire building in her as well. "I am speaking to the Little Miss Perfect who sabotaged my chances to impress Abby. Or you tried to anyway. Geez, Maddie! You're my SISTER!" She shot back, fuming.

"All you do is take things away from me! I used to be the IT girl and now I'm not! This school is ruining my career! We only go here because YOU want to."

"We only dance because YOU want to!" Mackenzie wanted to jinx her sister but she couldn't get expelled from Hogwarts, she wouldn't have anything left. "If you lose this weekend, what happens?! Oh, Miss Abby will withhold solos for a few weeks? You won't get to go back to Hogwarts? You don't even like it here! If I lose I won't get to dance or attend Hogwarts. I will have to go live with Dad. Do you see the fairness in that?!" Maddie's eyes widened. She was clearly thinking up a retort.

"Well, I am using the room now then. You've had plenty of opportunities given that you kept this valuable resource a secret from everyone." Maddie made to close the door in Mackenzie's face but she stood her ground.

"No. I always get to watch while you win, have a solo or get a gig. The one time I beat you, you still managed to make yourself the centre of attention somehow. All I want is to be a full-time Hogwarts student, in that I won't miss classes or get behind because of dance and really make something of myself here. I want to succeed and I am doing that, despite all of the stuff that happens."

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