Chapter 5

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The man's black hair was slicked back, and his hazel eyes were trained on me.

I mumbled quietly, "I'm sorry."

He grumbled in response and walked past me without saying his own apology. I glared at his back as he walked away. I looked back over at Stuart, who had seen my little encounter. He gave me a concerned look, but I just smiled at him. I walked back over towards the changing room and waited for Jenna to come back out. After a few minutes, Stuart joined me outside of the room and we both waited for Jenna to get done.

Stuart asked me, "Who was that man?"

I shrugged my shoulders, but he said, "He seemed like he was a little rough."

I smiled and said, "It was no big deal. He didn't even talk to me."

We waited for a few more minutes until Jenna walked out of the changing room with a few pairs of shorts in her hands.

She asked me, "Which ones did you like better? I can't decide and I only need one pair of shorts for tonight."

We looked through the shorts and I finally helped her pick the pair that had the plain pockets on the back. She put the other shorts where they were supposed to be and we all walked up to the counter. I noticed that Stuart didn't have the shirt in his hand that he had earlier, but I decided against asking him why he didn't have it. We walked out of the store after Jenna paid for the shorts and my stomach rumbled.

I asked, "Where are we going to eat?"

Jenna looked back at me and said, "I was just thinking that. Where should we eat?"

I offered, "Why don't we eat at the Chinese place? They always have the greatest lunch offers."

Stuart and Jenna both nodded and we made our way over to the food court. We got in line at the Chinese restaurant and waited for the people ahead of us to get through the line. As we were waiting, I scanned the crowd in the food court to see if anyone that I knew was there. One person that caught my attention was the man that I had run into in the store. He was sitting with another man, but the other man was faced away from me. The man that was facing away from me talked to the other excitedly. The man I had run into started to look around, almost as if he was bored. We locked eyes and I immediately looked away. I felt the blush seep into my face. Not an hour ago I had bumped into this man and now I was staring at him. Great. Just great.

Jenna bumped me with her elbow and I saw that I was next in line to get my food. I ordered the first thing I saw and paid. I waited by the pickup window for Jenna and Stuart to order their food. When we had all gotten our food, we picked a spot to sit. Jenna offered a seat that was too close to the men for comfort, so I offered to sit farther away. She gave me a weird look, but she just nodded and we all sat down. I sat so I was facing towards the men, but he didn't look at me any more. The man nodded occasionally as the other one talked, almost as if he wasn't interested at all in what he was saying. I looked back at Jenna and Stuart and saw that they were both shoveling down their food, while mine sat untouched. I opened my bag and started to eat hurriedly, just so they wouldn't question why I wasn't eating. When we were all done eating, Jenna and I threw away all of our extra food that Stuart didn't eat.

I asked Jenna, "What time does the party start?"


I looked at the clock. I groaned when I saw that we still had three more hours to go.

Jenna heard my groan and said, "I only need to find a shirt!"

I rolled my eyes as she kept talking, "And maybe some necklaces...or bracelets. I'm not really sure yet."

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