Chapter 6

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There was a light shining down on him, but his figure still looked black. My mind slowly tried to process who it was and I immediately thought of Shadow, but I didn't know why he was watching Stuart and I. I looked up at him more, but he didn't move. He obviously knew that I was staring at him, but he stayed motionless as he stared back.

Stuart looked where I was looking and he asked, "What is that?"

I said quietly, "Shadow."

I realized that I had said his name out loud and quickly covered my mouth with my hand.

"Why is he watching you?"

I shrugged my shoulders, but Stuart kept looking up towards Shadow.

Stuart said jokingly, "He's not stalking you is he?"

I heard the joking tone in his voice, but I also heard a serious tone underneath the joking.

I said, "No he's not. This is the first time since the fire."

He started to glare at Shadow as he said, "It's only a night after the fire."

I shrugged and said, "Oh well. I'm sure he'll go away if we just ignore him."

Stuart stood up quickly and looked like he was about to scream something at Shadow. Right before he was about to yell, I pulled on his shirt and he sat down reluctantly next to me.

I said, "Just leave it Stuart. I'm sure he'll lose interest at some point."

Stuart looked at me with an incredulous expression, "You're going to let this guy stalk you until he loses interest? Really Aleksandria? Usually a stalker doesn't lose interest..."

I just shrugged my shoulders and said "Please Stuart. You can kick his butt later but right now I'm more worried about you waking up the neighbors and then you being filed for being a crazy person, what with yelling at houses and such."

He smiled a little, but it was quickly replaced with a scowl when he looked back up at the roof where Shadow was now crouching down.

He said quietly, "If only I had the chance to kick his ass. I would do it as many times as necessary if that meant he'd stay away from you."

He looked back down at me quickly, but when he looked back up toward Shadow, his eyes hardened even more. I followed his eyesight and saw that Shadow was gone.

Stuart chuckled a little and said, "That's right. Run away."

I laughed and pushed his shoulder.

I said, "Oh yeah, he's totally afraid of you."

We laughed for a few seconds before Stuart sighed heavily and sloshed the water around his cup for a few seconds in silence.

I sighed as heavy as he did and said, "Are you wanting to drink Stuart?"

He looked at me with wide eyes and said, "What?! No! I told you-"

"I know what you told me. Trust me. I understand how you want to protect me or whatever, but I don't want to hold you back. I might just go home actually."

Stuart stood up and said, "Don't go home! I really don't want to drink!"

I laughed and shook my head.

I said, "I'm not really feeling that well either. I just want to go home and have quiet."

He nodded slowly, almost as if he didn't want to say that he wanted me to leave too fast.

I said quietly, "Stuart. It's okay."

He nodded slowly and said, "Alright. Are you going to leave from here or are you going through the house again?"

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