Chapter 7

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The man that was still choking me let me go as all of them decided to ambush Shadow at once. I dropped to the ground and coughed as air returned to my lungs. I lightly put my hand around my throat and could already feeling it swell a little bit. I looked behind me at the scene that was unfolding. Shadow was singlehandedly taking down this group of at least seven men...and he was making jokes. All of the men ambushed him at once, but he seemed almost at ease.

He started, "All of you at once now,"

He punched a guy in his throat and pushed him back into the guy behind him.

"That's just"

He brought his leg up in a twisting motion and kicked the side of a head.

"Not really fair"

In the same motion as the twisting kick he brought it around and kicked someone else in their stomach.

"If you ask me."

He slammed both of his palms against someone's ears and punched them in the jaw.

"I learned that one"

He bent down and brought his leg against someone else's leg, causing them to fall.

"From watching Sherlock Holmes."

He kicked the same man he just tripped in the head. The same man that choked me tried to sneak up behind him, but Shadow knew this. He jumped up and twisted himself in the air so his back was facing the ground. He wrapped his legs around the man's throat and used his momentum and body weight to do a backflip towards the ground, steadying himself by using one of his hands to hold himself up on the ground, which caused the man to flip and land on his back on the pavement.

He let out a long gasp, showing that this had made it almost impossible for him to breath at the moment. My mouth dropped in shock at what he just did, but he quickly composed himself and looked over at me. He ignored the groaning men lying all around him as he walked over to me and knelt down so he was eye level with me.

He asked me quietly, "Are you okay?"

I nodded, since I was afraid that I wouldn't' be able to find my voice. He looked down at me for a few seconds, but then he turned his attention to one of the men that was stupid enough to try to get back up. Shadow walked over to him and put his black combat boot on the man's chest.

He said, "Let's talk about how to treated this lady."

The man brought his hand up towards Shadow and hit him behind the kneecap on the leg. Shadow's footing faltered for a second, obviously not expecting the blow. The man jumped up from underneath his boot and started to run away, but Shadow quickly recovered. Shadow ran faster than I had ever seen anyone else run towards the man and tackled him down to the ground. Shadow quickly jumped up from the ground when he realized that the man had more weight than him, so he didn't want to get pinned underneath him. Shadow moved back and positioned himself in a crouching stance. The man decided to fight against Shadow, which I knew would not end well for him. Shadow walked towards the man, so the man swung towards Shadow. Shadow quickly dodged the hit and came back with a kick to the man's gut.

The man flew down to the cement as Shadow stood above him. The man moved to knock Shadow off of his feet, but Shadow quickly grabbed his arm before he could hit him again. Shadow jerked a part of the arm that he was holding and from the sounds of the man, his arm probably didn't normally bend that way. Shadow threw the hand back down on the ground and kneeled closer to the man.

Shadow looked back at me and said, "Don't watch."

I covered my eyes and shrunk into a ball on the cement. I heard the sound of punching and I flinched every time that I heard the sound, even though I knew that it was more than likely Shadow who was throwing the punches. I tried to calm my breathing, which was almost hysterical. I hadn't noticed earlier, but it was getting even harder to breath. I tried to calm myself, but my throat was so constricted I panicked every time that my breathing hitched, which was not helping me calm down. The sounds of Shadow hitting the man faded away as I tried to focus on controlling my breathing.

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