Chapter 3 → Encounter With Konoha

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I would like to thank Ichigo_Hollow for checking my story and proof-read it!


Emiko's POV

I woke up with my heart racing in my chest, and a scream escaped my lips. Jay immediately ran to me, with his wet hair drenching his shirt. He knelt in front of me and hugged me, I held the front of his shirt in my fists, and I started crying silently.

After a while, he released me from his hug, and held me by my shoulders. He looked at my puffy, red eyes, and gently wiped the remaining tears from my face. "Are you okay? What happened?" I was still holding the front of his shirt, avoiding his worried look. "I... I had a nightmare..." I then looked at his blue eyes, the same colour as my own. "But I'm okay now." I gave him a weak smile and released his shirt from my firm grip.

Jay kept looking into my eyes to see if I was okay or not, then he released my shoulders. He removed a lock of hair from my forehead and placed the back of his hand on it. "Emiko, I think we should find a place to stay, or you might get sick. While you go wash your face I'll go look for something to eat. As soon as you're done, stay here and lie down, don't waste your chakra. I think you overdid it yesterday, so just lie down and rest until I come back."

He removed his hand from my forehead and stood up. With one last glance at me, he left.

I stood there, processing the things Jay said to me. I shrugged my shoulders and stood up. I folded my sleeping bag neatly and placed it next to my bag. I then took some spare clothes and walked towards the river, which was not too far from our campsite.

~ Timeskip ~

Jay's POV

I was walking towards the campsite, after finding some apples and berries and putting them in my bag. All of a sudden, I hear Emiko screaming. I ran as fast as I could, and when I reached our campsite, I froze.

There was a man with grey gravity-defying hair crouching next to Emiko, holding her hand, while she was sitting on the ground. They both looked up at me when I walked closer to them.

"Who are you and why are you with my sister?" I glared at him. He let go of Emiko's hand and stood up. "My name is Kakashi Hatake. I heard her screaming and came here to see if someone was attacking her. When I got here, she was panting with a scared look on her face. I reassured her and kept her company."  "Jay, it's okay, he didn't do anything to me. I had another nightmare and he helped me. Kakashi, this is my older brother, Jay." Emiko introduced me to the man and she also stood up. I kept looking at the man, not fully trusting him.

"Do you know where we can find a hospital? I think Emiko might become sick due to the training we did yesterday, and the lack of proper food and shelter."

"Sure. My village is just a few minutes from here. I am from Konohagakure, where are you from?"

"Uh... We are from... Uhm..."

"We are from a small non-ninja village" I said, receiving a thankful look from Emiko.

Kakashi looked at my sister, then back at me."Okay then. Come this way."

Emiko and I followed Kakashi, walking a safe distance behind him. We were all quiet, everyone lost in their own thoughts. The only sounds I could hear were the birds chirping and the rustling of leaves as the wind blew past them.

"Jay, did you find anything to eat?" I looked at Emiko, remembering the fruit I found earlier. I took out some berries and one apple, and gave them to her. She thanked me and ate the fruit.

We kept on walking in silence, until we reached a big gate. When we entered, Kakashi greeted the two men who were sitting on our left. They glanced our way and gave Kakashi a questioning look. He just shook his head and kept on walking towards a big, circular red building; the Hokage's tower.

When we reached the door that leads us to the Hokage's office, Kakashi faced us and looked at us carefully "There is no reason for you to be scared, Hokage-sama is a very kind and wise man. After he decides what to do with you, I will take Emiko to the hospital." I glanced at Emiko and saw her scared look. I held her hand in mine and squeezed it slightly.

Without waiting for us, he turned around again and knocked on the door. We heard an old man's voice telling us to 'come in'. Kakashi entered the room and stood in front of a big desk full of papers, with an old man wearing robes and a big weird hat on his head seated behind the desk on a big chair. I stood beside Kakashi, while Emiko was hiding behind us.

"Kakashi, what brings you here and who are these children?"

"Hokage-sama, I found them in the forest outside the village's gate. This is Jay Tatsumi-" He looked at me "-and his younger sister, Emiko" He moved to the side to show her to the Hokage. She shyly looked at her shoes while half-hiding behind me, her hands on my right shoulder. The Hokage gave us a sympathetic look and smiled. "Where do you come from and where are your parents?"

"We come from a small non-ninja village. Our parents passed away 9 years ago... Lord Hokage." I tried keeping a monotone voice while talking about our parents, but pain was evident in my blue eyes. Emiko looked at me with sad eyes while I was talking. The Hokage and Kakashi looked at us with sympathetic eyes, and I could see a hint of pity in the Hokage's eyes when I spoke about our parents. "There are no available houses now. Kakashi, do you mind keeping them with you? I believe your house is big enough for 3 people."  "Hai, Hokage-sama, I don't mind keeping them with me. If that is all, I would like to take Emiko to the hospital to be checked." The Hokage gave me and Emiko one last glance, and nodded. "You are dismissed. Kakashi, please come here as soon as you are done in the hospital."  "Hai, Hokage-sama."

We left the Hokage's tower and walked towards the hospital. And much like the previous time, there was silence between us, except the lively chatter of the villagers. When we reached the hospital, a nurse lead us to a room, where she told Emiko to lie down on a bed. While they were checking if she was okay, I sat outside her room waiting. Kakashi left after making sure we were settled down and comfortable. A few minutes later, the nurse walked out of the room and allowed me to see Emiko. "Hey Jay. They said that I will be okay if I rest for 2 or 3 days. Where is Kakashi?"

"He left a while ago. Do you have to stay in here or can you go home?"

"The nurse said I can go home... But we should wait for Kakashi. I still can't believe we are in here! I wonder what will happen to the story now. You know, I think a lot of things will change..."


Finally after an hour of waiting, Kakashi showed up and took us to his house. It was a nice house with 2 rooms, a bathroom in each room, a kitchen and a living room. It was simple, but we didn't mind. After living in an orphanage for 9 years, we were glad to have some privacy, and perhaps with time, we might see Kakashi like an older brother.

Kakashi showed us our room, and where everything we would need was. We thanked him and unpacked our bags, after putting the remaining fruits I found in the kitchen. And this is how our life in Konoha began.


I was amazed by this long chapter, I didn't expect it to be this long.. Some brotherly love is shown in the beginning, and Jay's over-protectiveness comes out!

By the way, this is the day when Naruto painted the Hokage's stone faces.

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