Chapter 8 → First Mission And Tazuna

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Jay's POV

I was walking beside Kakashi and Emiko towards Team 7. This was our first mission, and both Emiko and I knew what kind of mission it was. Finding the missing cat Tora.

"You're late!" Both Naruto and Sakura shouted at Kakashi. "Sorry, a black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long way." He gave them a closed eye smile.

"Kakashi-sensei, who are they?" Sakura asked, pointing at me and my sister.

"This is Jay Tatsumi and his younger sister, Emiko. Emiko is a new Genin, so she'll be part of our team. Jay is a Jounin, he'll be helping me and at the same time he'll gain experience as a team leader."

"He's a Jounin?!" All 3 of them shouted, staring at me with wide eyes. "Kakashi-sensei, how is that possible? He looks just a few years older than us-" "I'm 14. What is it, are you jealous that I am a Jounin and you're still a Genin?" I taunted Naruto, while smirking.

"Why you-"

"Naruto, enough. I taught you teamwork yesterday, now it's time for you to put it to good use. Now introduce yourselves to them so that we can start the mission."

"Hi, I'm Sakura Haruno. Nice to meet you." She smiled at us and blushed when she met my gaze. Oh joy. Another fangirl. I scoffed.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and I will be the next Hokage! Believe it!" Typical idiot. I rolled my eyes.

"Sasuke Uchiha." At least someone who doesn't make a fool of himself.

" It's nice to meet you all." My sister smiled at them. Naruto's and Sasuke's light blush didn't go unnoticed by me. I glared at them and they stopped blushing.

They were all looking at me. "What?" I asked, annoyed. "Jay, say something nice..." Emiko whispered to me. "Okay. As long as you don't annoy me, we'll get along fine." Everyone sweatdropped.

"Good. Time for us to start our first mission." We followed Kakashi and headed towards the Hokage's office.

~ Timeskip ~

"Sasuke, point B."

"Sakura, point C."

"Emiko, point D."

"Naruto, point A!!"

"Naruto, you're slow. Where is the target?" Kakashi scolded the blonde.

"The target moved!" Sakura shouted.

"The target is on my head..." My sister said.

"Sasuke, can you confirm that it is the missing cat Tora?"

Sasuke walked to Emiko and looked at the cat on her head.
"Yes, there is a red ribbon tied on its left ear."

"Mission complete. Well done, team 7."

Sasuke took the cat from my sister's head, and gave it to Naruto. The cat started scratching the blonde idiot, and it jumped into Emiko's arms. It cuddled to her and she carried it back to the Hokage's office.


Emiko's POV

"Tora! Mommy is so glad that you're back! Mommy will never leave you alone!" The woman kept squeezing the poor cat, while it was trying to jump back to me.

"Ha! That is what that stupid cat gets for scratching me!" Naruto shouted.

"Naruto... No animal deserves that punishment. It was your fault it scratched you. You were holding it upside-down! The poor thing..." I said, while looking at the cat. The lady left and the Hokage spoke to us.

"Now for team 7's next mission. We have babysitting, grocery shopping, walking dogs-"

"Hold on! Old man, do you really expect me, Naruto Uzumaki, to do those... those chores?! I want a real mission, I'm a ninja!"

"Naruto, you just came out of the academy! You are only qualified to do D-rank missions." Iruka said. Then he and the Hokage started explaining about the ranks and the missions, and why it is important to classify them before handing them out to squads.

"Lord Hokage, I know it's not my place to say this, but Naruto is right. Our team has 4 Genin and 2 Jounin. I think you should give them a chance to prove how much they've grown since their academy days. I believe in this team."

Everyone was quiet, staring at Jay. He was looking straight into the Hokage's eyes. The Hokage closed his eyes and blew out smoke from his pipe. "Fine. I will give team 7 a C-rank mission, an escort mission to the Land of Waves." "Thank you, Lord Hokage. We won't disappoint you." Jay bowed down, but I could see his triumphant smirk.

"Who are we escorting? A princess? An emperor?" Naruto was excited about the mission.

"Bring him in." The Hokage said. Soon after that, I could smell alcohol and the door opened, revealing an old man holding a bottle. He drank from the bottle and looked at us with a disapproved look.

"Are you saying that these kids are ninja? They look like they can't even tie their own shoes. Especially the midget with the idiotic look on his face." He said, looking at Naruto.

"Haha, who is the midget with the idiotic look on his face?" As soon as Naruto said that, we stood in a line. Jay was the tallest, being 2 years older, then came Sasuke, me, Sakura and lastly Naruto. "I'll kill you!" He lashed out at Tazuna, but Kakashi stopped him. "We have to protect him, you can't kill the client, Naruto."

"I am Tazuna, a master bridge builder. I expect you to escort me to my village and keep me safe, even if it costs you your lives."

"You have an hour to get ready. Meet me at the village's main gate." Kakashi said before he did a transportation jutsu.

"Lord Hokage, may I please have a word with you?" Jay asked, while Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto left.

"Of course, Jay."

"... I think it's best if we talk in private. Emiko, please wait for me outside." Jay glanced my way, while Iruka and some other Jounins left the office. I walked outside and leaned on the wall opposite the door. After about 15 minutes, Jay walked out of the office, with an unreadable expression on his face.

We left and walked towards a weapon's shop. "Emiko, choose the weapons you want, Kakashi gave me more money this morning." He then walked towards a katana.

"Oh you have good taste, young man." The shop owner commented. The katana had very interesting carvings on its handle, resembling a dragon. The sheath also had the same silver carvings.

Jay paid for the kunai, paper bombs, shuriken and the katana. We then proceeded towards Kakashi's house. We packed our new weapons, some clothes, and I took my 'Book of Jutsus' before we left. If I was more attentive, I could have seen Jay's pained look when we left the house.

Jay's POV

When we reached the village's gate, I saw Sasuke standing there, glaring at the ground. When we got closer to him, he glanced my way and then he looked at my sister.

"Hey Sasuke." She smiled towards him. "... Hi Emiko. Jay."

"Hn." Was my reply. We started having a little glaring contest, but we got interrupted by an annoying pinkette. "Sasuke-kun! Jay-kun!" She ran towards us, oblivious to the annoyed looks on mine and Sasuke's faces. "Oh, Emiko, you're here too..."

"Of course, I'm part of team 7 too, you know." Emiko retorted. I knew she disliked Sakura.

"Hi everyone! The future Hokage is here!" Naruto ran towards us, standing beside Sakura. Shortly after that, Kakashi and Tazuna arrived, and we headed out.

"Oh boy, this is my first time out of the village, believe it!" Naruto started jumping around.

And so began our journey to the Land of Waves.


The next chapter is more like a filler chapter, and it will explain some things about Jay and Emiko... And perhaps confuse you a little bit. Sorry if that happens!

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