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*** means time skip
And it gets really deep. I started crying, lol.

Thomas's POV

"Newt, can I talk to you about something?" I ask my husband, rubbing my hands nervously.

Newt walks in from the kitchen and smiles.

"Yeah, Tommy?"

"Do you... uh... I want... er..."

My face starts heating up as I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly.

I wanted a child.

I wanted a little boy or girl that we could take care for and love for the rest of our lives. Except I didn't know if Newt wanted one. He already takes care of me, I'm not sure what he'll say.

"What is it?" Newt asked.

I take a deep breath and spit it out, "I want a child."

Newt's expression is blank and unreadable. I start to squirm under his gaze. Suddenly, a smile creeps up onto his face.

"Of course I do! I've been wanting one for a while now!" He said happily, lunging forward and hugging me tightly.

"So why didn't you say anything?"

"Because I thought that you wouldn't want one.."

"Well, I want one! Do you want a boy or girl?"

"Um, I actually want a girl."

Images pop into my mind of Newt playing dress-up with a little girl and him doing her hair. I smile at the thoughts.

"That's perfect."

We talk for a little while after about beginning things to adopting a child, such as money and space. We have a spare room that we could easily turn into a bedroom. For the money, I believe we can manage. I work as a manager at a department store and a track coach for our city's high school. When I was in track, I was out school's star runner both in sprint and cross country. Anyway, Newt is a therapist, and he is so good at his job. He loves helping people and he would make a great father. I can't wait till we adopt our daughter.


Today's the day! It's the day we finally bring home our daughter, Charlotte. After about six months of waiting and redecorating, we finally bring her home. Now, Newt and I were driving to the place where we would get her. We entered the building hand in hand, my heart beating fast from excitement.

"May I help you two?" Asked the receptionist.

"Yes. We're here to pick up our daughter, Charlotte." Answered my husband.

"Oh, you must be Thomas and Newton.

We nodded and the lady, Julie, according to her name tag, told us the floor number to go to. We got in the elevator and went up to the third floor. We exited it and walked into the room to see many people walking around busily. Then, we saw a lady holding a little girl. The woman glanced around, as if looking for someone. She was the one holding our daughter. We went up to her and introduced ourselves. After a bit of talking, she had us full out some paperwork and finally, we were free to go home with our daughter.


"Is she supposed to cry all the time?" I said loudly, over the wailing infant.

"She's a baby, Tommy. Here, give her to me."

I was currently holding Charlotte and I handed her over to Newt. He carefully held her and started quietly talking to her. Soon enough, the bawling stopped and she was fast asleep in his arms. He smirked in triumph. I pouted and he laughed silently, kiss me on the cheek before bringing Charlotte to her crib.

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