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Newt's POV

I lived in a beautiful town. Sunny, happy, and bright spirited. It seemed like paradise, everybody was kind and respectful to others. But, there was one secret that this town would never share. Not with a single soul, living or dead.

This town was inhabited by a terrible monster. He was a disgusting beast, and only came into town to scavenge for food that he couldn't find in his forest, but then he was always chased out by townsfolk. Whenever people saw hide or hair of the beast, they would always chase him, and the times they got him, they beat him black and blue. He has two phases, the beast phase and human phase. He can become rather one he likes in an instant. I don't think anybody deserves to be treated like that just because they're different. Whenever I hear somebody talk about how wretched an horrible the bloody thing is, I just want to go over and knock some sends into them. How would they like it if they were treated like that?

"Newt? Are you listening to me?" My best friend, Minho, said while saving his hand in front of my face.

"Huh? Sorry, what were you saying?"

"I said that I heard the beast was roaming around the woods near your house. Try to stay inside tonight, Newt." Minho repeated.

I clenched my fists, "Right. Whatever."

"Good." Minho clapped a hand on my shoulder. "Well, see you later shank."

We said our goodbyes and I started walking home. It was getting pretty dark and cold. I scrunched more into my warm coat stuffed my hands in my pockets. About halfway to my house, I heard shuffling come from a bush inside the woods. I stopped and looked into the spooky trees.

"Hello?" I called out.

More shuffling noises emerged from the bush. Then I saw a big figure sprint away. I blinked and started walking again, but much faster. I made it to my house slightly running. I quickly got in and slammed the door shut. I went upstairs to my room and looked out my window which had a good view of the woods. I saw the same shadowy figure from before, it's eyes shining in the light from the moon. I gasped and rushed away from the window backwards, not seeing my guitar case behind me. I tripped over it and twisted my ankle in a weird way. It hurt. A lot. I yelped in pain and grabbed my leg. It was probably sprained. I stood up and limped downstairs to the living room which had a big window peering into the woods.

There, in my lawn, was the beast. He wasn't in his human phase. I gasped and froze in terror. The thing walked slowly toward the window, while doing so, he phased into human form. The beast walked right up to the glass on the window, close enough to got up the glass with his breath. I was in shock. He was stunning. He had short brown hair and gorgeous eyes. His body was thin, but extremely muscular. I wearily limped up to the glass and got a better look at him. His eyes were even more beautiful up close. They were pools of emotion. I saw caution, hunger, terror, but most of all, sadness. I placed one shaky hand up to the cool glass and the beast looked at it. He slowly brought up his hand and placed it right on the other side of mine. I didn't feel scared at all. I felt something special about this so called beast. We locked eyes again, now I saw confusion in him. He was wondering why I was acting so calm around him, why wasn't I screaming and yelling for help. I smiled slightly and brought my hand down. I held up a finger, signaling for him to wait there. He nodded and I limp-ran into the kitchen. I grabbed my leftover pizza from last week when Minho came over. I went back to the window, and signalled him to come around to the front door. He blinked in suprise and ran around to the front. I opened up the door and there we stood face to face. His eyes wandered my body until they met the leftovers I was currently holding.

"Are you hungry?" I asked quietly.

He jumped in suprise and eyed me again. He nodded slowly.

"Well, you can come inside and eat it you want." I motioned into my house.

He locked his lips and stared at me suspiciously.


My eyes widened. His voice was deep and rich. It sent shivers up my spine and my heart started beating fast.

"B-because I don't think you're the monster that everyone says you are." I said, feeling flustered.

"Why?" He asked again.

I blinked in confusion. What did he mean?

"I- I don't under-"

In a flash, he was in my house and eating the pizza. He gobbled the first pizza down like it was nothing. I hobbled up to him and he hesatated eating before carying on. He eventually finished off every slice and drank some water that I gave him. He stood awkwardly, not knowing what to do or say.

"What's your name?" I asked.

He didn't answer right away. "The beast."

I laughed slightly. "No, your real name. I'm Newt."

"Thomas." He answered quickly.

"Thomas, that's a nice name." It rolled off my tongue with ease, as if ment to be said by me.

After a long silence, Thomas spoke up to my suprise.


I sighed and faced him. He was looking at the ground, his hair covering his eyes.

"Because I see myself in you. Tommy, you are misjudged and treated wrongly. I know how you feel. I used to be bullied when I was young for being gay. They used to beat me up and call me names. I fell into depression shortly after it started. I started cutting and getting suicidal thoughts. I had to move away from that town because it got so bad. The kids who kept hurting me put me in a coma once. I've had to move three times because of bullies."

I took a deep and shaky breath because tears where going to start spilling soon.

"I just wanted it all to end. So I... I tried to..." I couldn't finish my sentence.

My hands started shaking as the memories of past bullies came up. The memory of walking to the edge of that building and jumping off. My breath started getting hitched from crying and panic and my eyesight started getting blurry. Then, I felt a strong pair of arms clutch my shoulders. I felt comforted at the touch. I looked up to see Thomas staring at me with worry in his eyes. He pulled me into a hug and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"It's all right, Newt. I'll keep you safe." He whispered into my ear.

We pulled back and he wiped away a tear streaming down my face. I smiled and kissed his cheek softly.

"Thank you, Tommy."

He grabbed my arm when I went to step away from him. He pulled me back and I didn't meet his eyes. He put both his hands on the side of my face and pressed his lips to mine. I started kissing back and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. We broke apart, needing to breathe. He rested his forehead on mine.

"I think I'm in love with you, Newt. I don't care what anybody else thinks. You were just so kind to me and that's never happened before. I've seen you from a distance and thought you were different even then."

"I think I'm in love with you too."

We kissed again before Thomas pulled away.

"Thank you, Newt." He smiled genuinely.

"For what?"

"For saving me from the monster."

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