Chapter 46

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When they got to the bowling alley, all of their friends were already there.
"Riley! Maya! Smackle!" Sarah called out excitedly as the guys head over to the other boys.
"Hey Sarah!" Maya replied.
"Oh. My. God. Riley! You have a baby bump!" Darby squealed.
"Hardly!" Riley protested.
"It's adorable! Any ways, rumour has it you guys are coming back to school for a while after the holidays?" Darby continued.
"Yes. And so nothing bad happens to us," Riley pauses gesturing the baby, "I am getting my own personal bodyguard."
"He is really cute, and has these beautiful, deep blue eyes and has dark, messy hair and is tall and very smartly dressed." Maya explains, dreamily.
"Right, and is he stood behind you by any chance?" Sarah laughs.
Maya turns around to see Josh stood right behind her.
"Hi." He says followed by a romantic kiss.
"Talking about me were we?"
"Possibly. I just can't wait for you to be at school with us."
"For my benefit!" Riley reminds her best friend.
"Sure Peaches, sure."
"I was just coming to say that the bowling alley is all set up for us, and Riley you are okay to bowl, just take it easy."
"Thank you Uncle Josh. Let's go bowl!"
They all went down and started the game.
"Hey Maya," Zay said, about halfway through the game when it wasn't either of their turns.
"Hi Zay."
"It's good to see you so happy with Josh."
"You too with Sarah."
"Thanks. She is really great!"
"We good?"
"Of course."
"Great. Hug?"
They hug and go back to their couples and to the game.
"One more strike and Riley Matthews wins the game!" Josh calls in a sports announcer style voice.
"Yeah, no pressure Matthews!" Maya adds.
"All lies on this one shot." Lucas plays along too.
"Okay, okay." Riley says as she picks up her bowling ball, she walks up to the lane and takes her shot. The ball hits the centre of the pins and knocks all of them down.
"Yes!" She screams and spins around to quickly, she stumbles and almost falls.
"Woah. Woah. I got you." Lucas says as he catches her.
"You have seriously got to start taking it easy. Think about the baby."
"I know. You're right, if you didn't catch me I think I would have fallen quite hard and I'd never forgive myself if little one got hurt."
"Now let's praise the champion!" Farkle calls. They all cheer and have a load of fun in the arcades and ice cream parlour.

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