Chapter 65

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Maya's POV:

I wake up with a headache, I open my eyes and see that the car is smashed up to a tree, I feel something wet drip down my face, I touch it and I hurts, I look at my finger, blood. I look over at Riley, I can't see her, there is a branch in between us. I try to open the door, it won't open, I bash it a couple of times and eventually it opens, I get out the car, it immediately hurts, I look down at my bare legs , my knee is all covered in blood, I limp over to Riley's side.
"Riley!" I cry and force her door open.
"Riley!" I say again, she is unconscious, ordinarily I would drag her out the car but with the baby it wouldn't be safe. I yell her name over and over.
I put my hand on her bump, I can't really feel anything though, I look down to see if she was bleeding or her waters had broken in shock, nothing, thank god.
"Please wake up!" I cry, shaking her, she begins to stir.
"M-Maya?" She mumbles.
"Are you okay? How is the baby? What hurts? Tell me Riley!" I say panicking.
"M-my h-hand." She says, it is covered in blood.
"And the baby? How is the baby? Before we crashed you were in pain because of the baby? Can you still feel her?" I cry.
"I-I can feel her, she is kicking and moving about, it doesn't hurt now though."
"We need to get you out of there." I say before my phone begins to ring. Dad.
"Maya, who is it?"
"My Dad, he'll know what to do!"
I swipe the answer button.
"Hey Maya." He says.
"D-dad, m-me a-and Riles, w-we crashed." I stutter.
"Are you two okay?" He says immediately worried.
"I-I think so. What do we do?"
"Both get out the car and call 911,"
"Riles, can you get out the car?" I ask.
"No." She is crying hard.
"Dad, Riley can't get out the car. It's to hard with the baby and all."
"Hang up with me, call 911, I will call Lucas and Joshua and everyone, just both stay conscious and safe."
"Okay, thanks dad, I love you."
"I love you too Maya."
I hang up and go to call 911 when I notice a big bruise and cut on Riley's head, she looks really pale and droopy.
"Riley, how does your head feel?"
"I feel tired. I have a headache, I'm gonna sleep it off." She says beginning to close her eyes. I grab her okay hand tightly.
"No! Riley you gotta stay awake." She opens her eyes, I don't let her hand go. I dial 911.
"911, what's your emergency?"
"Me and My best friend, we have crashed into a tree, and my best friend is 7 months pregnant and she can't get out the car and is almost passing out, please you gotta come quick!" I say crying.
"Okay, stay calm Ma'am, where are you?"
"I-I don't know, we are in a lane on the way to a bridal store."
"Okay, I will track your phone and send the services out to you now. What is your name?"
"Maya, I am 16."
"Maya, what is your friend's name?"
"Riley she is 16 too. She is 7 months pregnant with a little girl."
"Okay, and Riley is conscious?"
"Yeah, just, I am holding her hand and keeping her awake."
"And can she feel the baby?"
"Yeah, she said she is kicking and moving. But before we crashed, she had a load of sharp pains, she said they were like contractions, she doesn't have them anymore, and her waters haven't broken and she isn't bleeding from, there." I say.
"Okay, can you hear the sirens?"
I hear them and then see a flash of red and blue lights.
"Yeah, I can see the lights."
"Okay, you two are doing great. Are they there now?"
"Yeah. Bye."
I hang up and a fire crew and paramedics rush up to us.
"Please help Riley!" I tell them.
"We will do our best, what is your name?"
"And how old are you both?"
"16, Riley is 7 months pregnant!" I tell them.
"Okay, well why don't we let the firemen do their jobs and we will take a look at you in the ambulance." The paramedic says.
"No! I'm not leaving Riley!"
"Maya, it's okay." Riley says.
"Maya please, I'm okay, go get checked out."
"Love you Riles."
"And I love you."
I am walked to the ambulance as I look back at the car being taken apart. I can hear Riley sobbing.
"Maya, my name is Sylvie Brett, can I take a look at you knee?" The paramedic asks. I nod slowly, still looking over at Riley.
"She'll be okay, don't worry." She tells me.
"You can sit and ride with her to the hospital." She suggests.
"Good. I'm not leaving her. I can't loose her, I am not loosing another of my best friends in the space of 6 months."
"Maya, I think you are in shock, Riley will be okay."
I watch them lift Riley out the car and wheel her to the ambulance, she is put in and Sylvie goes to the front.
"I'm Chile." The other paramedic says.
"Maya," Riley whimpers.
"We need to call Lucas."
"My Dad has already done it."
"O-okay. Why did I think I was in labour earlier?"
"I don't know sweetie." I stroke her hand that I am holding.
"Riley, what you were experiencing was called Braxton Hicks, they are like practice contractions." Chile tells us.
"That is why we crashed." She says.
"I'm sorry Maya." She continues.
"All that matters is that you two are okay." I reassure her.

Lucas's POV:

I invited Farkle round when Riley headed out, he doesn't come out much anymore, he is coping really well at the moment though. We were drinking root beer and eating pizza watching the game that was on when my phone rang.
"Who is it?" Farkle asks.
"Hello?" I say.
"Lucas, hi. Listen, stay calm and don't panic, but Maya and Riley have been in an accident." He tells me calmly, I leap out of my seat.
"What do you mean?"
"They crashed, they are both conscious but when I spoke to Maya, Riley couldn't get out the car, I have called Joshua and Cory, and everyone is on their way to the hospital, so I'll meet you there. Just stay calm, they are okay."
"Thanks Shawn, bye."
"Lucas, what's wrong?" Farkle asks.
"Riley. Maya. Crash. Hospital." I am in shock.
"N-no." He whispers and begins to tremble.
"I can't loose them as well." I say over and over. "Not my girls as well."
"Farkle, we gotta go to the hospital, but Shawn said that they are okay." We walk to the car and have a silent drive there. All I can think of is the baby, my little daughter. I knew that Riley was okay but I had no clue on my baby girl.
"Lucas, you are crying." Farkle tells me. Then I feel the silent tears that I was oblivious to falling down my cheeks.
"I'm sorry Farkle. It's just I know how Riley and Maya are but I have no clue about my little girl." I sob.
Farkle pats me in the back and we pull up the the hospital.
Mrs Matthews rushes up to us.
"Mrs Matthews! Are they okay? Is the baby okay?" I ask.
"I don't know, they haven't arrived yet."
"Why?" I cry.
"I don't know honey, let's get you two inside."
She guides us inside.
I look at Farkle with sorrow as we remember the last time we were here.
I can tell what Farkle is thinking.
"Buddy, it's not gonna happen again. Don't worry." I tell him as Mrs Matthews hugs him and we meet with everyone in the waiting room.
My thoughts:
My unborn daughter...

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