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Hey! Big thank you to thekoreanbookworm for the awesome cover!!! Be sure to read her story!! Check out theamericanbookworm too! Luv u guys!!!

On Monday, Lilly missed school, because she was still sick. The whole day, I couldn't wait to get out and see her. Finally, I got out, and went over. Right when I saw her, I knew that she was really sick. "Hey." She said in a stuffy voice. "How are you feeling?" I asked. "Yucky. I've never felt so bad." She said. "Have you gone to the doctor?" I asked. "No.... I was hoping you could maybe take me??" She asks. " of course lil." I said. I helped her grab her stuff, and we got into the car. We got to the doctor, and didn't have to wait long before she went in. I stayed in the lobby. She was in there really long before she came out. "They want me to come back tomorrow to run tests." She explained, walking over to where I was sitting. "Is it bad?" I asked. "I dunno. They've done this before, and I was fine. It's probably nothing." She said. I gave her a doubting look. "Cal, stop worrying!!" She said. "I care for you!! I don't want anything to happen!! Alright?" I said, a little to harshly. She gave me a sad look, and stormed to the car. Once I caught up, she was already in the car. "Lilly, I'm sorry. I just love you so much. Maybe too much." I say. "Don't say that. Our love for each other is never too much. I'm sorry, I guess I should pay attention to things more. I love you." She says calmly. "I love you more." I said. I kissed her long and deeply, and then we headed home, into the pitch black of night.

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