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"Lillbaby....Wake up! We're here.." I said. "Huh?..." She said groggily. I helped her out of the car. When she first glanced at the ocean, her eyes immediately lit up. She took off towards the ocean laughing and stumbling. "Wait up!!" I called, chasing after her. When I reached her, I picked her up into my arms, spinning around. I lost my footing g in the soft sand and fell, with Lilly landing on top of me, face to face. I kissed her, long but softly. She looked at me with those beautiful hazel eyes, and through all the laughter, I saw sadness in her eyes. This sick thing was eating away at the love of my life, and I wanted to fix it. So far, I was doing something wrong...

Merry Christmas!!!! I hope everybody had a great holiday!! Luv u guys!!!

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