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Friday night, 8 o'clock

After that Saturday Killian didn't saw Emma all week. All his got was a yes and a heart and his heart almost stopped to beat when he saw the paper. After all both were very busy in their works and they weren't "friends" as the word called you to be -like they were mutuals? No.. just neighbors yeah.. neighbors- Killian thought.

_"Jones.. Come here a second." Killian's boss called him.

_"Yes Mr. Hetfield.. how can I help you?

_"Well.. look Jones I have some viewers to visit and lead them to new houses and stuff tomorrow morning but I have to sleep and I got here 2 boxes of paperwork to do. I was wondering -demanding Killian almost coughed- if you could spend the night doing it." The man said.

This company we worked for was a three 'per one firm. They had architects, the administration were all paperwork come from also the telephony and the real estate part. Killian as a new employee could do everything they asked for.

_"I have some drawings for that company of chairs from Los Angeles and two of houses. They liked my lasts and I'm doing new ones. But sure I can". I have no one waiting for me when I got home -he almost said.

_"That's great Jones. I'm sure this will help in your future here." James said.

After that Saturday Emma's recovery was very kick. Killian the day after visited her but she wasn't home so he dropped a letter on her front door carpet asking if she was okay with a little four leaf clover wishing her lucky all her week. Emma just make sure to knock on his door only to find him not home of course and then she decided to write on the back of that paper he send to her:

" YES ♥ "

Emma always got home late from work. Some days 2am sometimes 3am and she didn't care because she could handle all the strangers by herself and well.. she loved her job. Arriving 7pm she make sure to grab her coffee at Starbucks a little after and then she was in her table happily doing her daily work.

For a 2:35 dawn the weather wasn't bad and Emma decided to walk. When she was in her street she saw someone on the building's door and she frowned. When she approached she saw Killian. With his hands in his head and a sad face.

_"Are you.. Killian? Is that you?" Emma asked

_"Oh.. Hi lass i.. I was.. I lost my keys so I was trapped on the outside. I figure out that only someone in the morning could open here for me" he said

_"Than I can help you! Here let me open the door for us. Besides what are you doing here?" Emma asked

_"I just got home from work." He answered.

_"But you don't work by day?"

_"Yes but I had to do something more than my work for my boss." Killian said

_"Ah. I see. Well let's get to our homes because I'm coming from work too. Super tired by the way" Emma said

_"About it.. I said I lost my keys. Probably they are on my work desk already closed so I'll just stay here on the lobby's couch." He said

_"Oh no way! You can stay on my couch?" Emma said blushing

-blushing he made Swan blush. Oh my god he already liked her- _"You sure? I don't want to step aside from some boundaries. Don't want to ruin what we have"

_"The thing we have Jones? Ha! Don't be silly we are friends. Let's get to my apartment and we can make some space to you." Emma pointed.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TO BE CONTINUED xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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