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Marinas POV:
I try finding my classroom, and start searching and all I needed was some one to guide me and become my friend. At least I want to go home knowing I had something good out of today's day.

Finally, after minutes of searching, the math classroom b207, which was listed first on my sheet of guides.

I slowly walk in, and then everything stops and everyone looks up at me, and I almost peed my pants, what the fuck was intresting about me that made every one just stop and look.

"Ah, you must be new at West Feild High? Am I right?"

"Yes, your B207 right?" I ask shy-ly.

"Yes dear, you came right on time, we are reviewing some math lessons, sit right by, uh.." He looks and searches for a seat, then a boy, by far, the hottest interupted him, and I couldn't keep my eyes off him.

"There's a seat right here Mr.Carter."

"Thank you Grayson."

I start blushing, and I walked to the seat, out of the corner of my eye all I saw was him, and his eyes looking at me up and down. I start flaming in red, what was he so interested in?

"What's your name beautiful?" He whispers as he try's covering his face so that the teacher wouldn't catch him.

"Marina." I say, slightly blushing more, and smiling at the thought of some one so attractive calling me beautiful.

"Wow, your so..so stunning and get your name is beautiful."

I blush and thank him, but I just wondered if he was a fuckboy, like you know those boys who play girls hearts? I just didn't want that, at all.

For the rest Of class, we didn't talk, but when class ended, and as I walk out, I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey." A girl says

"Hi!" I say, getting slightly happy.

"Since your new I thought I'd be nice to make a new friend, you look pretty nice and chill, wanna sit next to me during lunch?"

"Sure!" I say smiling

"Oh by the way, sorry, my name is Alexa, and I got into this school last year, and it's filled with lots of stuck up bitches, exuse my lauguage." She says as she starts giggling.

"Oh, I can't tell a lot, btw my name is marina, nice to meet you."

Turns out, she's really relatable, and kind an she likes to always be honest with me, which I can tell a lot, but I didn't want lunch anyways, neither did Alexa so we sit down at a table.

"Marina, you were speaking to that hot dude in class today, do you like him? Because that would be a problem.."

"No! I jut met him wtf? And why would that be such a problem?"

"Well, he's a total fuck boy, he likes to make out with girls and act like he likes them then the next day, he humiliates them like trash. I'd suggest you to get away, it's happens, and to a lot of girls"

My heart drops, and I couldn't believe what my thoughts were in class, were acually true, and the fact that he was getting me on, made me sad.

"Oh, I had that sort of feeling in class today, now I know why."

After a while of talking with her, I was happy to call her my friend.

2:45pm, dissmisal.

I walk into the bath room to get my hands washed, and as I walk out, someone pulls me from my hips and into the girls stall, the huge wide one.

"It's just me baby"

I gasp in shock, and as I look towards him, it's Grayson, what the heck was he thinking? That he can just turn me on like every other girl? Well he's wrong.

"What's your problem?! Leave me alone you idiot!" I yell and I walk away twisting the stall door but he pulls his body to mine and sends so much strength. It felt good, but I don't want a f*** boy to be around me anywhere.

"Chill, baby girl, I'll make you all mine"

"Why the f**k are you -"

And before I can speak, he clicks his lips with mine.. Just like that, and we began to make out, yes I could've stopped it, but why? It felt good, with his soft lips, but after a few seconds I pull away with all my force and he hits his back on the wall.

"Look, I'm not wasting my precious time on a fuck boy! You think your just gonna fuck me and then leave and pretend I don't live anymore?! Well your wrong, because I'm leaving, go somehwere else with a different girl!!"

He gets closer, and scratches his neck, and glares a little at me.

"Well, you little stuck up bitch, you wanna act all stuck up with me? Well go ahead, I don't give."

I walk away and go home, all night that's what I thank of, him, and his lips and how he touched me.


I acually have feelings for her, it's like I pretended to be a fuck boy so that every one dosent know I am catching feelings but when she told me that I would use her, my heart felt, I don't know, some what of broken. Her way of acting his precious, her is amazing, and her eyes, just sparkle when she looks at me. I jut have to be a jerk with her so that she'd think I hate her, I think that's.. A great idea, even though I want her.

Grayson? The schools too fuck boy likes a girl? What do you think he'll do next? :0

Anyways, have an AMAIZNG Friday tomarow! I might update I don't know yet! ;)

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