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Marina's POV:

I stare at him, as my eyes tear up more, his words hit my heart like a shooting star, they meant something, but I just, I couldn't believe it. Not this time, I can't let his words fool me twice.

"Grayson, just leave me alone, go find another victim.."

I walk away.

2:40 dissmisal.

I quickly run out of school, but some thing stops me, a small tap and a:


I look back, it was Cameron, I smiled, something acually made me smile today for once.

"Hey Cameron! I haven't seen you lately, what's been up?" I say hugging him as he gives a little smile.

"Well, I've been lately 'disappeared' because of the fact that school has just caught up my mind so much, what about you Mariana? You don't look happy, I mean, don't get me wrong, but you've looked, different today. Are you alright?"

I sigh, how was I supposed to tell him?

"Can we meet up and I'll tell you there? I don't want to discuss about it here."

He nods, "sure, I understand, give me your number and adress and I'll pick you up and we can walk to somehwere we can have lunch and just talk?"

I smile, "that's a great idea," I grab a paper and pencil, "here"

I hug him, and walk away.


I just walked out of school, and what do I find myself to? Marina and Cameron hugging, and talking, I don't want them to get closer to each other or my love for Marina will be slipped away in seconds, I had to apoligize but I had to make it big, I need to find out where he's taking her, or what there doing.

So I walk up to Cameron.

"Hi Cameron."

He looks at me in shock.

"Grayson? You haven't talked to me in so long! Hello!"

"Hey, I'm good, and I know right!" I say pretending to go along with it.

"So what's up?"

"Well, cam, you were just talking to that girl..? uh what's her name?"

I say acting like I didn't know her.

"Oh, Marina! Oh we were talking and I'm bringing her to a cafe, she's gorgoues, and I'm gonna try to make her mine, hopefully it works."

Rage goes up my brain, and I knew that's what he wanted to do.

I flame, and my face turns red.

"Oh, well look at the time! I have to get going! Nice talking to you!"


I go home, and get my stuff ready and I walk out to the cafe, somewhere where they couldn't see me at all.


Marina's POV:

I straighten my hair and ware a casual grey sweat shirt and jeans with black converse and casual make up.

Cameron: I'm here.

Me: I'll be right there


I walk out, he looks at me, "you look so beautiful, your amazingly blessed"

I smile, "thanks Cameron"


At cafe

We sit, and just ordered a small pumpkin spice latte, and he asks me about why I was so sad.

I look up at him, and sigh.

"Well, it's just that.."

But something stopped me.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I quickly look behind me, it was Grayson, he was holding flowers, and he smiled at me.

I just stood staring at him.

He yells "everyone, can I please have your attention?"

I gasp "Grayson? What is your problem?"

Cameron gives me a shocked look, as Grayson gets closer, and everyone starts staring.

"I love this girl, Mariana, I did something stupid to her, I pretended to play her, and I regret it. I love her, with all my dignity, and heart. If nothing makes her believe me, hopefully this does, Mariana" he says sighing "will you please forgive me? I am so retarded for thinking I've can just loose you. I need you to be mine, will you?"

I start getting teared up, how can I not beileve him? He acually did this for me. And, I just couldn't resist it.

"Yes! Grayson, I love you more than anything! I forgive you! Please, let me be yours for life!"

I jump on Grayson, as he holds me by the butt and kisses me.

"I missed you baby girl" he whispered

Everyone starts clapping, as Cameron rushes out and looks like so pissed off but at this point, nothing meant the world to me, than grayson.

Aw, Grayson got that information just to suprise her ;)

Anyways , goodnight!


crazy in love // g.dWhere stories live. Discover now