A Mother's Loss

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(Y/n POV)

The first thing that I notice upon regaining my senses was that even from behind my closed eyes the light around me we blinding. I wondered for a moment if I was dead but due to the aching body I ruled that out quickly. I began to listen to the space around me for any clues of where I was or any signs of movement. There was a fain beeping coming from my right and I took note of a soft breathing some distance away from me on my left. I wondered what was going on. 'Why am I alive?' I kept thinking to myself. With a blank realization I tried to open my eyes to get more information. The room I was in looked to be a place for healing of some sort. The equipment was more primitive than that of which I was used to. The walls of the room were a plain white as were most of the things in the room. The beeping seemed to be coming from a machine to my right. I guessed it was relaying my heart rate or something along those lines. I looked down at my arms to see many needles and such stuck in them. I disliked the smell of the place. It stung my nose and throat. I felt my hunger tug at my mind. I must have been out for some time to be this hungry. Then again I was a saiyen so that could mean little. I chuckled to myself at the thought. I heard I small noise in the room and turned my attention to a boy on the far left if the room siting in a chair next to the door sleeping lightly. My chuckle must have made him stir in his sleep. He looks sad in his sleep and he makes a small whimper. A need to comfort him washes over me. I stand up from the bed making sure not to pull out the needles in my skin in case they were important.

I get closer to the boy he looks like he has stopped growing by this age so there is really no way to tell how old he is but my instincts say he is still just a child. I place a hand on one of his cheeks only for his eyes to fly open. He has a sharp intake of breath and looks down at me first in shock than in a glare. However this does not denture me. I can sense this child is in pain and feel the need to take the pains away or at least lesson them in some way. My calm (y/e/c) eyes meet his cool brown ones. He has a strong will but as he searches my face he relaxes some. "Why?" I speak softly afraid to frighten him. He seems to become confused by my words. "Why?" he repeats. "Why are you sad?" The boy looks down no longer meeting my eyes. Then I feel it. At first I had assumed he was saiyen but now this close, I could tell there was something else too. He looked saiyen apart from the kindness of his features that was so rare among us.

Looking deep in his eyes I see it. Loss. There was so much of it in his eyes. He must have seen many people he cared about leave. It was unclear if it was due to a battle or just the differences in lifespans. Then I saw it the same look I knew so well. I saw it in children more times than I could count and it never stopped hurting me no matter how many times I saw it. He had lost a parent. Someone who had raised and loved him was now gone and he felt alone. Almost as if I knew right away I asked him "Your mother?" He flinched at my words but nodded. I pulled him in suddenly. He was tense at first but slowly he relaxed into my embrace. He shook in my arms, as if only now letting the pain consume him. I only held him until he was leaning fully ageist me and his breathing became steady. I lifted the sleeping boy into my arms gently trying not to wake him. Then crawled back onto the bad and placed him on my lap. I stroked his short black hair as I began to sing the same lullaby I had sang my own children.


Hello Reader-chans. Thanks for being patient with me while I got this out. This story has gotten so many reads I was just so happy. I hope my Reader-chans stick around. Please keep commenting on who you want The Reader-chan to end up with. (THIS WILL NOT BE A READER X GOHAN STORY! SHE WILL BE A MOTHER-LIKE FIGURE TO HIM AND VEGETA'S KIDS TOO. It just creeps me out now that I think I know how the story is gonna go.) Keep reading and don't forget to Vote, Comment, what have you. Bye!


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