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I was looking at the stats of mine and my sister's stories and I see that this one has almost a 80 reads?! Wow i was shocked. I hope you guys like where this goes but before i begin... WARNING EXTREME SADNESS UP AHEAD. I'M SORRY BUT BARE WITH ME.


(Y/n POV) Dream

You look around yourself only to find that you were surrounded by only darkness. The shadows bent and twisted like snakes and left you with the feeling of unease. Slowly you remember landing on Earth and strangely a pair of sad oxen eyes. Deep within those eyes was a brokenness that lay hidden. Most would have missed it but not you. A mother knows.

Then the shadows changed. You were standing on planet Vegeta. You wondered to yourself why you were there but pushed on when your old house came into view. You reached for the door only for your hand to pass right through it. 'I see this is a dream' you thought to yourself. Passing through the door you walk into the small kitchen. The cream walls and light wooden table gave such a homey vibe. You could practically smell the old house in the dream. Then a sound crossed your ears. The song you knew all too well. You turned ti the stairs and began to walk towards the light humming. Walking down the hallway on the second floor you step in front of the room the hum is coming from. The wooden door was closed but the soft soothing sound came from within. With a deep breath you stepped through the door and into the room.

It was just the same as it had been all those years ago. Soft colors covered the walls and furniture with many toys scatter about the room but it wasn't the way the room looked that shocked you to your very being. It was that you or another version of you that was standing in the center of the room rocking a small pink bundle whiles she sang softly with a soft smile on her face. You stepped closer and realized 'Not a dream. A memory.' You look at the bundle in her/your arms. There was a small babe wrapped in the fluffy cloth. The child seemed to be sleeping in her mother's arms happily. The other you gave out a sigh before the door swung open and a small boy just about flew into the room. "Mom." he almost yelled in a happy voice. The other you gave him a warning look and shushed him before her could wake his sister. After they were sure she would not wake from the boys almost yell the boy and the other you smiled. "Did you and your father have fun sweetie?" the other you whispered sweetly. The present you smiled as you watched yourself and your children.

Soon the seen changed and one after the other you watched your memories fly by until you were standing in space a good distance watching planet Vegeta burn. A half screech half howl came from the other you in the distance. All you could do was watch and cry without so much as a sound as your planet burned taking with it your family and everything you had ever loved.

(End dream/memory)


Tissues for sale! Every box comes with a free hug.


That was sad to me. I don't know about you guys. I can't imagine how it would feel if this happened for real. I hope you are liking the stories so far and I will do my best to get out the next part ASAP. Vote, Comment, and what have you. Have a great day and/or night.

Good wishes!

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