I Never Got His Name

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Hi Reader-chans. I know I left a little hint in my last little update but sadly the chapter did not go how I had expected while I was writing it. There is Gohan in it and (y/n) does interact with him but it is short. That brings up another thing about this chapter, it in its-self is short. I'm unhappy with how little there really is to this chapter at the moment but with how unreliable my updates are I hate to just sit on anything.
So here's what I got and I hope you all like it!

(3rd POV back in the room you woke up in)

You approached the sleeping child but had yet to actually catch his name. Already, you could feel a connection to him. His calm face made you smile and you almost didn't want to wake him. Almost. Goku was standing by the door looking worried. He had told you little about how his sons and him hadn't been on very good terms lately.

You shook his shoulder gently and his eyes opened slightly.

"Come now child. It's time to awaken now." He woke up completely and just continued to look at you without saying a word.You raised an eyebrow at his behavior.

"Are you alright child?" You asked letting some worry show in your voice. He shook his head and sat up on the bed. Then his eye landed on his father and his face changed from a blank expression into that of anger and disgust. Goku looked at his son sadly shame showing in his eyes.

"Why are you here?" The boy spat at his father. You were taken back by his outburst. From what you had gathered from the boy, he seemed like such a gentle soul but his actions seemed cruel and hatful towards his father now. You placed a hand on the boy's shoulder and gave him a confused look once he faced you again. His eyes softened slightly but hardened right way. The look in his eyes was almost primal and it made you uneasy. He took a tight hold on you and that made you wince and he removed it forcefully away from him. Then within a secant he had shoved you away from him and onto the floor.

You landed on your side harshly and felt the pain of your other injuries reopen as you cried out in pain. Tears and black spots dotted your vision but you stayed conscious. Goku rushed to your side in a moment and held you up in his arms. Some tears escaped your eyes despite your best effort and you lowered your head so they wouldn't see.

Gohan seemed shock at what he had just done before his father snapped at him.

"Now that's enough Gohan! I've let you grieve and let you lash your anger out on me since Chi-Chi died. But this is where I draw the line!"

Then Goku noticeably quieted and gave is son a stony look.

"Go home Gohan you have a wife and child who are worried for you. You can blame me as much as you want but when you start hurting others, that's where I can no longer sit back and watch."

Gohan looked down in shame. His anger was now gone at the sight of the innocent and kind woman who had lulled him to sleep when she first awakened. She had passed out because of the pain of her injuries. Pain he himself had caused. Gohan felt like he had been stabbed in the stomach because of what he did and he didn't even know her name.

Without another word Gohan got up and walked out of the room. A little while after he headed home.

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