She's Gone

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(3rd POV) Still Vegeta...

Vegeta remain motionless before the metal door. Listening from the outside, the sounds were muffled and dulled but the calming tones still remained true somehow. This woman was unlike what Vegeta had expected. When the older of Kakrot's brats had found and brought her here, she had been broken and beaten beyond what any normal person could withstand. It had seemed by what shreds were left of her cloths she had been a prisoner of some sort and the black collar around her neck did a fine job of restricting her ki. This woman was weak and dying from blood-loss by the time the boy had gotten her to Capsule Corp. It looked like she had been threw hell and once Bra had gotten her cleaned up, the news only got worse.

She had some broken bones, fractured ribs, and some bruised organs. Bra had also found many more scares and brakes that had long healed as well. This woman must have been through more pain than most people can imagine in their lifetime and yet she still seemed strong in his eyes. Vegeta was nervous of this woman. She was a criminal and that meant she posed a threat to them in some way. Vegeta had been prepared to eliminate that threat if need be. It would have been easy an hour ago but now things had changed. At one time she could have been a warrior but most of that was covered up now. Now and up until the day she died she was a mother.

Vegeta was confused, to say the least. He was left to wonder why the mere voice of this woman made him want to hold and comfort her. He had promised himself that he would never allow himself to love anyone else after Balma. It had been little over a year sense his first love and the mother of his children had died but that pain still hurt him deeper than the saiyen had thought possible. She had been the first thing he had ever loved after he had lost his home, his family, and was forced to work for that bastard Freeza. Balma had given him all he could have asked of her and more. She had given him love, two beautiful children, a hand to hold, a stern voice when needed, understanding of all his flaws, a home and not  just a residence, and if he might a very passionate love-life.

Now, here he was feeling the same for this woman he had no connection to. This couldn't be happening. He had loved Balma. This was no way to respect her memory. This was bad. Vegeta took a step away from the door. He needed to make distance between himself and this woman. Then he would have time to thing and maybe get his head in order. Vegeta almost felt bad for the mountain that would suffer from his 'thinking'.


That's that for this chapter Reader- chans. I hope you liked it and will keep coming back for more. The next chapter i will be starting with Goku's POV so that's something to look forward to.

Vote, comment, what have you.

Bye bye, Reader-chans.

I hate myself a little. I wrote fist love instead of 'first' love. I could cry or embarrassment. I'm sorry but my sure that some of you got a good laugh out of it.
I'm talking to you xShinigami808 and ShootingStarCV

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