The Forsaken Fortress has changed a lot since I have last been here. The place that I remember is a place that was dark no matter the time of the day. The only way to see, at this time, was with the search lights that were guarded by Bokoblins, ugly creatures that that try to rip your throat out if you get too close. They were very simple to kill.
But, since the darkness of the Forsaken Fortress had been vanquished (literally), the place is beautiful. The morning sun reflects on the stone island, with a new warm feeling to it. Just by looking at Tetra's face, I knew all of our bad memories will disappear. I smile.
"Okay. Let's try to figure out why they told us to go here," I jump out of the Queen of Blue Tigers, carefully landing on my feet and stretching out my legs. According to Rose, there were a few people who came here to live. Sue-Belle's friend Linda had dated a man named Kamo 23 years ago. Apparently, he found a boat big enough to hold all of his stuff and left for the Forsaken Fortress when people had started going to live there. Most people thought that Linda and Kamo stopped talking shortly after they broke up. They didn't.
So after I had gotten Anton and Linda together (it wasn't as easy as it sounds, mostly because I was still trying to save the world and these two keep bugging me about each other), they broke up because Linda wanted Kamo back after all those years. The deal was that Linda was supposed to stay on Windfall while he went to set up a house for them. kamo came down with the same illness that killed Grandma, claiming another victim. So far, no one else, that I know of, has had this illness on this island.
Tetra gets out of the boat and does the natural thing most people do after sitting on a boat all night: she falls on her face.
I laugh. I did the same thing the first time I sailed in the King of Red Lions over night. I stumble around for a minute, trying not to fall on my face, because my legs are numb as well. But, they aren't as numb as her's. She says some not-so-nice things about what my face looks like and got back up on her feet.
"You might want to sit there for a minute," I laugh again, "so that won't happen again."
Tetra finds a rock (I know, it's impossible to find a rock on a stone island, right?) and throws it at me. As soon as I see it leave her hand, I quickly dodge it.
I start walking up the stairs that lead up to the area that has all of the new houses on it. I keep walking, even when I hear the sound of someone drawing a blade. When I get to the top of the stairs, I turn to tell Tetra to hurry up and get up here.
But the words never leave my mouth.
Tetra is standing there, with her dagger drawn, with a wild look in her eyes.
She runs up the stairs, faster than any human. She put the blade to my throat.
"This is the last straw," Tetra says in a voice that is most definitely not her's. "Come with me, and your sister will live."
Panic struck me as I realize who had possessed Tetra.
"I knew you were a good-for-nothing!" I say, being very careful to not get my throat slit open. Tetra walks close to me, putting more pressure on my throat with her dagger, and I start walking backwards. Soon she had me against a cool wall of the stone island. "Let. Me. Go." I demand.
Tetra's face shifts a little, as if she is fighting with herself. "If you don't come with me now, both your sister and girlfriend will die a slow terrible death, much like your grandmother did."
"GET OUT OF HER HEAD!" I yell, and kick Tetra/Finn in the gut. She/he stumbles back a bit, taking the blade with her, but quickly recovers. But it is enough time for me to pull out my sword and shield. I have to use my mirror shield, as my original shield, the hero's shield, was left in a chest for the next hero.
The Killer in Celshading - Legend of Zelda Fan Fiction
FanfictionLink and Tetra come back from outside of the map to the Great Sea. They quickly learn that a strange illness is sweeping the islands. It's not a small illness either, as it has been killing many people. The two of them have to stick together if they...