Are you Okay?

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I woke up feeling something warm. I looked up to see Taurtis cuddling me. He had my head laying on his chest, and he had his arm around me. I smiled and thought "this is a good way to wake up."

I carefully sat up and yawned. I looked at Taurtis. Hes so cute when he's asleep. I smiled and Taurtis began to wake up
"Good morning sleepy head"
He looked at me and smiled
"Morning cutie" he sat up and hugged me. I hugged back.

"So when do i get to leave this place?" I asked as I tilted my head slightly.
"I think maybe today"
Im tired of being in this hospital. It reminds me of horror games, The food taste gross, and the color is so plain.
"How are you feeling?" Taurtis asked looking worried. He seemed more worried than before though.

Taurtis POV

What did I see last night? With the shadow Sam. Was that real?
"How are you feeling?" I asked worrying.

"Im fine" he smiled that cute smile of his that made my heart skip a beat. This boy is gonna be the death of me.

I got up from the bed "Hey im gonna go check to see if you can leave." I walked out the room and went to find someone to ask. I found Sams doctor "Hey when can Sam leave?"

"We have 1 quick test to do on Sam so maybe around 6"

I nodded "Thanks" I then went back to Sams room and told him. After a while I had to wait in the dumb waiting room until the test was done. Sams doctor came out a while later.

"Taurtis?" The doctor called for me

"Yes?!?!" I ran to him

"Your friend is allowed to leave now. But you should keep a close eye on him. We did a small extra test. The ink blot test. ((Is that what its called?)) Sams answers went from seeing a teddy bear dancing to seeing a giant blood thirsty monster after him. So please keep a eye on him"

"Okay!!" Is Sam really okay? I went to Sams room

"Im back"

"Taurtis!!" He hugged me and i hugged back.

"Can i leave?" "Yep!" "Yay!!!" He cheered. I went through his bag and found some clothes for him to change into. Sam quickly changed and we left the hospital.

Should i tell him what i saw last night? Nah. He just got out the hospital I should let him have some fun.

Sams POV ((taking place before the test))

Im tired of this dumb hospital. Im waiting for the nurses and doctors to come and to the stupid test. I feel a weird feeling of being watched. But the room is empty

I heard some one.

"Whos there!? Where are you!?! Who are you!?!"

"I am you, Sam. I am your insanity~ Im inside your head~"

This can't be real! There is no way this is real!! Before i could speak the doctors and nurses came. They did a test to make sure i was physically heathy.
Then they decided to do a Ink Blot test. Hooray.

The doctor held up a picture.
"What do you see Sam?"

"I see a Teddy bear dancing!"

"Very good. How about this"

"A ghost hiding"

"Oh. Okay" this went on for a while until one Ink Blot sent shivers down my spine.

"It looks like a monster. A blood thirsty monster. And its after me" I said

"I think this is enough. We will go talk and see if your good Sam"
They left.

"Who the Hell are you" I said to the so called Insane me in my head.

"I am you Sam. Im your Insanity. Your hatred. Your jealousy. Look in the mirror~"

I looked in the mirror. But i didnt only see me.

I saw a dark version of me. My whole body looking black as coal. My eyes blood red. And a creepy smile"

"See Sam i am you. And you cant escape me. Because now...I have taken over" Right then Taurtis came in saying how i can leave. I can finally leave yay!! He gave me some clothes to change into. Aftet i changed we left.

Should I tell him?

Samgladiator x TaurtisWhere stories live. Discover now