Where did Sam go?

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Taurtis POV

For the whole school day i was hanging out with Sam. And i could tell Chan was glaring at him. At one point i was talking to Sam at Gym when Teacher Rowan called for me "TAURTIS I NEED TO SPEAK TO YOU, MAGGOT"

I walked over to him and he said how i left my headphones in the locker room and he gave them to me. I guess nobody was paying any fucking attention to other people cause I heard a scream that sounded a lot like...SAM?!

I ran to where Sam was but he was gone! WHERE IS MY BABY!?!? I asked everyone but i then noticed a note where Sam was standing with some blood on it.

Dear Taurtis
You belong with me, not this bunny bitch. Meet me on the roof of the school at 10 PM. If you don't show up...Sam dies
From Chan

I was nervous. Maybe i could tell Rowan,Okami, and Silly. Thats a great idea!!! They can be my back up!!!

"OKAMI ROWAN SILLY I NEED TO TALK TO YOU" they quickly ran to me
"What do you need Taurtis?" Okami was cheerful as usual
"Sam was kidnapped by Chan!!!"
Okami's expression was worried. "Oh my :o we can help you!"
"My plan is you guys hide on the roof where Chan cant see you. I talk to her and when I give youca thumbs up you get her"

That night i ran to the roof right before 10. I got to the roof to see Okami, Rowan, and Silly hiding in their swat uniforms, they gave me a thumbs up. I saw Chan and i ran in her direction. I walked infront of her "Chan!!" I saw that Sam was with her and had rope tied around him. He had a bunch of cuts and bruises on his arms and legs. "SAM" i ran in hs direction but stopped when she held i knife up to Sams Neck. His bunny ears shot up with suprise and i could see fear in his eyes.
"Dont move"

Sam trying to show he could protect himself quicly kicked Chan cause his legs weren't tied up. He tried to untie the rope and right before i could go to him to help Chan pulled a fucking gun out of her pocket "Stop!!" She loaded the gun and pointed it at Sams head "Move and he dies!!!!!" Oh gord this is bad!!! "Chan why are you doing this!?"
"Im the perfect person to date!! And im way better then this piece of shit bunny boy!! You should be dating me!!" I could tell she was gonna pull the trigger even if i didn't move. I gave a thumbs up to Okami, Rowan, and Silly.

"Why the hell are you giving me a thumbs up!?" Chan didn't suspect a thing. Perfect.

"Say goodbye to Sam!!" She laughed insanely and right when she was about to pull the trigger she dropped the gun "OW" Rowan had shot her hand with a gun!! Okami and Rowan grabbed Chans arms and pinned them behind her back. Silly put handcuffs on her

"YOUR UNDER ARREST MAGGOT" they dragged Chan out the school while Chan screamed it wasnt her fault. Silly stayed with us to make sure we were okay.

I ran over to Sam and hugged him "Sam your alive!!" I started crying tears of joy and Sam hugged back weakily.
"Y-yeah I am" i began to untie the ropes "are you hurt!?" "I-I think im okay-" before he could finish right when i untied the ropes he passed out "Sam!!!" I quickly checked his pulse. Hes still alive! Thats good but his breathing is slow and weak. He was covered in bruises and deep cuts. "Silly we need to get to the hospital!!!"

"I'll call an ambulance!!" "Theres no time!!" Sams pulse started to slow down. "Silly lead me to the hospital!!!" I picked up Sam and layed his head on my shoulder. Silly ran towards the hospital and i followed her. Right when we got into the hospital I yelled "WE NEED A DOCTOR MY FRIENDS DYING!!" a doctor quickly ran towards us. He spoke "let me see" he checked Sams heart beat. It was slow and his breathing was slower then before. Sam was paler them usual too. The doctor called a couple nurses over and they put him on one of those things they lay patients on (i don't know what thats called XD) and they took Sam the a room quickly. I filled out a paper with mine and Sams info and gave it to the person at the front desk. Me and Silly sat in the waiting room. After a while everyone me and Sam know started to come even though it was night. Rowan and Okami came, Yuki came, J, sookie, soulowl, and pretty much every one at our school. Which surprisingly included Dom. And apparently Grian was coming to visit us today and he manged to show up. All of us were worried about Sam.

After what felt like forever the doctor who took Sam came out. "Im looking for Taurtis" I immediately stood up. "YES!?!" I was so worried i was screaming "Sam is okay" a huge smile appeared on my face, and everyone who came for Sam smiled too.

"But there is a problem with him. There might be a small problem with his mental health. When he woke up he was screaming leave me alone. A nurse asked who he was talking to. He looked at her with tears in his eyes and said The monster inside my head. We gave him some medicine and he fell asleep but he should be awake soon. Would you like to visit him?" Me and everyone else said the same thing "Yes!!" The doctor lead us to the room Sam was in "Be careful please. We are still finding out if Sam is completely stable and able to be around a lot of people." We all nodded and went into Sams room. He was awake and staring out a window looking still really pale, but he looked calm and adorable. "S-Sam" i smiled and could feel tears running down my face. He looked at me and smiled.



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